Friday 12 May 2023

Back in the Building Business….Part 3

Look at me using solely acrylic paints for a model - who would have thought given my notoriously antiquated painting technique! I have to say that Vallejo Iraqi Sand is an incredibly versatile colour!

I had hoped to have made rather more progress with the fort but a couple of things conspired to use up the available time I had. To begin with I really struggled to settle on a colour scheme for the fort. Originally I was going to go with overall white but that felt a little on the stark side som instead I opted for Vallejo Iraqi Sand - which is quite appropriate considering whom this particular piece of real estate belongs to - and has done for some time!

Not in the picture are the gun barrels and flagstaff which have had their two coats of black and so are ready to be cut to size and mounted once the fort is finished.

The scenario the fort will be featuring in has been drafted, along with the damage charts and indeed, has also been written up as far as it can go short of the refight itself but I have hit a slight snag that will delay things slightly. However, despite this minor setback I intend fighting the scenario using a couple of ideas that will be featuring in due course in Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame as soon as is practical.

The slight snag referred to was the arrival in the post today of something that has, for me, completely changed how I look at using figures on the table top. 

More of this, with pictures, in my next post.


  1. It’s a very nice fort David well done. Looking forward to updates on your intriguing scenarios. Best wishes - Quinn

  2. "......something that has... completely changed how I look at using figures on the table top."

    That is intriguing! Next post tomorrow, I hope :0)

  3. Hello there Quinn,

    I still have to finish it bur should have it done by the close of Sunday. The scenario it will be featuring in will be delayed slightly as a result but it is pretty much ready to go as soon as the painting is finished. I could fight it during the evening but the lighting in the man cave plays havoc with photography!

    We will see how we go.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Nobby,

    I really thought at my age I had just about seen it all but it just goes to show that you are never too old to change!

    The next post will show what I mean.

    All the best,

