Saturday 30 September 2023

Birthdays and Blessings

Part of the haul. The paints and brushes came from my daughter - the latter was most welcome as my existing brushes are rather long in the tooth as well as being a little worn out - and the two books  came from my son. TheMighty Eighth will be really useful for my 1943/4 over the Reich Mustangs set up. Bless the pair of them!

It has been a while since my last post but work and life have been fully occupying my time leaving me with little capacity for the hobby in a practical sense. The 28th was my birthday and so I took the Thursday and Friday off to spend some quality time with Laurel and the family. It was nice for us to have a normal kind of day and so a trip out to feed the squirrels at the local nature reserve followed by a lunch was the order of the day. The traditional family birthday takeaway is scheduled for this evening and will be Turkish so we are all looking forward to that!

The prezzie haul was both magnificent and thoughtful and the plethora of good wishes I received from all points of the globe was quite touching - I am indeed a lucky chap!


  1. Belated birthday greetings! A nice haul of goodies too, nice when the family are tuned into your hobbies. Hope you enjoy your takeaway, Turkish is always good!

  2. Happy birthday old chap! Hope you had a great day and enjoyed the Turkish meal too. Nice haul of pressies there and I recently bought a pack of ABC brushes that have made a huge difference to my painting, compared to my old and rather worn out brushes.

  3. Belated birthday wishes. A good haul. Hope the takeaway was good.

  4. Happy birthday old chap…
    A fine haul of gifts as well…

    All the best. Aly

  5. Hi El Grego,

    Thanks old chap! Hope all is good in your neck of the woods!

    All the best,


  6. Hi Donnie,

    Thank you kindly sir! Spoiler Alert: It was the power of an Amazon list…. The Turkish was delicious!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Good Soldier Svjek,

    Absolutely! The Vallejo set is great value for money and with a selection of colours I seem to use a lot of.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Steve J,

    It has been a great few days - despite having a cold - and the brushes were really welcome. The book on the 8th Air Force is excellent and the Turkish meal was delicious.

    All the best,


  9. Hi there David in Suffolk,

    Thank you kindly sir! Hope to catch up with you pre SELWG once I have some pictures organised.

    All the best,


  10. Hello there Mr McMaster,

    Much appreciated old chap! The takeaway was excellent and the haul most welcome!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Aly,

    Thank you kindly sire - much appreciated and yes, the haul of gifts (of which the picture was but a small part) was most welcome1

    All the best,


  12. G’Day Paul,

    Cheers Buddy! We can hoist some cold ones to celebrate later in the year!

    All the best,

