Tuesday 19 September 2023

Warhammer 40K Revisited

A sumptuously produced hardback containing a copy of the 10th edition rules for 40K, a history of the Tyrannical War, a very nice showcase of models etc, scenarios and the Crusade narrative driven rules - which you can rest assured will inevitably used for something GW may never have thought of!

A short while ago I posted about having acquired a copy of the GW Leviathan boxed set containing some 72 models - 25 Space Marines (including a rather large Dreadnought) and 47 Tyranids. I have since added to that by acquiring the ‘Ultimate Starter Set’ which includes a further 12 Marines and 32 Tyranids. I then took to eBay to obtain a further five man squad of Marines to round out the set up. The Ultimate Starter Set includes some rather nice terrain pieces along with a copy of the core rules, a bag of D6, a sheet of transfers for the Marines, a 40K Handbook and a couple of plastic measuring sticks aka rulers to the uninitiated! Just to complete the line up I also invested in a copy of the book you see above in order to flesh out the back story of the table top action.

The handbook and core rule book from the Ultimate starter set. 

Am I insane? No, but I am not averse to making use of stuff in a variety of ways above and beyond that which the designers intended! Seriously though, I will happily play 40K or Space Hulk or Combat Patrol but I have plenty of other rules available for the genre - man versus insect-like alien.

On the face of it the expense for this may seem daunting but when you sit and think about what you have got for what you laid out money wise there is an awful lot of material that compares favourably with more mainstream historical topics. Figure wise I probably have rather more than I will need but no matter - the excess can be readily disposed of. For now though I have to shoehorn this into the project list and therein lies my problem. Time - or lack of it!

I am looking at a kind of ‘Starship Troopers meets the Zulu War’ kind of thing with this lot, featuring elements of the book and the film with that of the ‘historicity’ of the Zulu War. 

In the words of the song “Its my party and I’ll try if I want to”

Many a gaming project has embarked on far shakier foundations….



  1. Can't wait to hear your rendition of "Space Marines of Harlech".

  2. Anything GW is anathema to me. I just cannot see why people want to play this overpriced, overrated tat.

  3. Hi Stu Rat,

    Trust me, you would not want to hear me singing!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Simon,

    Whilst there is much about GW and the 40K universe I am not overly fond of there are some facets that have always appealed. Space Hulk for me is one of the best tactical boardgames I have ever played - essentially GWs version of Aliens - and Space Marines and Tyranids work as well as Colonial Marines and, well, Aliens. GWs Space Marines, at least the less outlandish types, are perfectly serviceable in any Science Fantasy setting, as are the Tyranids to be used as insect type Aliens.

    From a cost perspective, that which I acquired represented a reasonable financial investment but - and this is critical part - if you look at what there is them it is works out at pretty good value. My gaming plans are not enshrined in the gospel according to GW as I have a whole pile of better rules to use, 40K itself would be an option.

    I cannot give an opinion as to the overrated comment you made, simply because I am not invested in the whole 40K universe - only a small part of it and definitely not Chaos or Orks!

    As for overpriced I guess that is a matter of opinion and certainly a lot of what GW produce appears expensive for what there is - £30 plus for five figures is not to be taken lightly - but it is possible to secure bargains from GW, especially when they launch a new range. The trick is to use what you need for what you need it for - as I have done!

    The final part - the tat reference - I cannot really comment on as whilst there is lot of GW stuff I do not like and would not touch with a barge pole I think it would be wrong to lump everything under this banner.

    Of course we all have our own views on the whole GW universe and there will be degrees of like and dislike wherever we go.

    All the best,


  5. Well I certainly look forward to seeing you get some games in with the figures and background fluff you've recently accumulated. Whilst I never got on with the GW rules per se, I couldn't fault the background stories, which sadly most people never bothered with:(. Narrative campaigns get the big thumbs up from me as they are easy to do and just create ideas for scenarios as the games progress.

  6. Hi Steve J,

    I believe that in the universe of 40K there is more than sufficient room to take out what you want and disregard that which you do not and who is to say whether you are right or wrong? That has always been my mantra with just about every gaming system I have ever used over the years! The background to 40K is very much a canvas to use use as one wishes and I have enjoyed many elements of it - one could easily go full on with the whole thing but I have no need nor inclination to - I will just use the bits I want to use for what I want to use them for.

    Of the rules themselves I can use them or not - Xenos Rampant are currently top of the list to try - but one thing is a nailed on certainty. I will definitely be using the material for Space Hulk. I have two squads of Terminator Marines with heavy support provided by a brace of assault cannons rather than flamers - very much my weapon of choice (as Fatboy Slim said)! In fact one of the projects I am messing around with is to expand the troop coverage for Space Hulk to include the normal marines and the full gamut of Tyranids.

    It will take a while to get this to the table as all the models require assembly and painting. I am not worried by this but the only issue I have at present is time, rather lack of it!

    In closing it is worth pointing out that with much of GW stuff if you do not get it when you see it you stand a good chance on missing out altogether. It is good to have the stuff I need for when I need it!

    All the best,


  7. Hmm
    I try to resist
    But the models draw you in

    I have a "bucket" of 'odd' things that could constitute a force
    But bar an outing once to the Gateshead Metro Centre with a "squad" of Tyrranids and the occasional game of Space Hulk they remain dormant and quiet

    I like the escapism of painting the models and Sci-Fi crossover
