Tuesday, 13 November 2012

"And the winner is.....

....The Russo-Turkish War!"

Many thanks to all who took part in the poll - next time I shall give it a little more lead time so that more people have the opportunity to have a say in what happens. The finals results were as follows:

Russo Turkish War - 14
Balkan War - 13
August 1914 and the Zulu War - 5 each
2nd and 3rd Afghan War - 2

Right then, here is the plan. Now that a decision has been reached in respect of what war I am going to looking to for inspiration I shall spend the next week or so reading up on the war using my recently acquired copy of War in the East by Quintin Barry. I shall be using Bob Cordery's Big Battle: Portable Wargame 19th Century set on my Hexon terrain and with of course the blocks.

I have actually fought an action loosely based on actual events from the war with Bob Cordery earlier this year - the account of the same can be seen here - Bear and the Crescent Part 2 and also here - Bear and the Crescent Part 1.

I have a number of thoughts around what I want to do for this game and will be sure to post the development  process on the blog as and when it occurs.

Once again many thanks to one and all for taking the time to vote - as ever it is very much appreciated.


  1. David,

    So democracy works ... sometimes!

    I voted for the Balkan Wars, but the winner is the option I would have made my second choice ... so I am still quite pleased with the result.

    All the best,


  2. Haha!!

    I win!!!



    That's not how that works, is it?

  3. Hi Bob,

    I will be going back to our old friend the Balkan War in due course but the winning choice will make a worthy subject for a Big Battle Portable Wargame.

    I am really looking forward to this and no mistake!

    All the best,


  4. Hi SAROE,

    Be careful what you wish for! It will be great fun and I am looking forward to starting work on the project.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Fran,

    The people have spoken....and I am but a mere instrument for them to play upon.

    Besides, it gives me a great excuse to read my new book and make something of it.

    All the best,

