Monday, 11 May 2020

Back in the ACW

A rather dashing Union cavalry commander. The Confederate counterpart is the same figure as I wanted hats rather than Kepis. Spencer Smith 30mm old school and glossy!

Part of my recent figure reorganisation concerned the Spencer Smith 30mm ACW collection. The two armies fit quite tidily into box files and there is sufficient room therein to accommodate the few additions I have planned. I probably mentioned that this collection originally came to me from that indefatigable painting machine - Old Painter Bob, and that he kindly offered to complete the units I have to the same standard. Essentially this is to round up the units to replicate the organisation used in Charge! This means infantry regiments with 48 rank and file, cavalry squadrons of 8 troopers and gun crews of 4 gunners. The command elements and musicians are above and beyond this number.

The whole collection when complete will consist of each side having 3 line companies, 1 elite company (Zouaves for the Union and Texans for the Rebels), 1 sharpshooter company, 1 cavalry squadron and 3 guns with crews.

Old Painter Bob sent me a picture of one of the two Cavalry commanders he is working on for me and so I thought I would share it with you. It is absolutely lovely and I am really happy with it. I mentioned to him that I wanted plenty of braid in evidence and so he has really taken this on board. Seeing this has certainly made me look to the figures I will be painting for this collection - the Texans and the two sharpshooter units.

If you have not done so then taking a look at Bob’s blog is a real treat. His painting style is classic old school and it looks lovely - all glossy and shiny (sounds like a shampoo advert!). His recently completed 25mm Prussian army is a thing of beauty.

Once the final figures for this collection are in place I shall certainly look forward to gaming with it although it is good to go at present.


  1. Lovely Spencer Smith Miniatures! I had (and still have) some of these cavalry from the 1980s plastic bag era (Airfix for grown ups)

  2. Hello there Mark, Man of Tin,

    They have a charm all of their own and whilst the unpainted castings are nothing to look at they really come to life with the most basic of paint jobs.

    All the best,


  3. David,

    He’s done a lovely job, and seeing it makes you realise that even a relatively simple casting can look outstanding when painted well.

    All the best,


  4. Wonderful figure Mr Crook. Painter Bob certainly wields a mean brush.

  5. Hi Bob,

    Old Painter Bob has really hit the sweet spot with these and you are absolutely right!

    All the best,


  6. Hi there independentwargamesgroup,

    I only hope my attempts to replicate the overall look work out with the figures I am working on! Old Painter Bob has really done an excellent job with these.

    All the best,


  7. Hello there Maudlin Jack Tar,

    He certainly does!

    All the best,

