Friday, 19 April 2024

A Wings of Glory Mat

Measuring 39’ by 27” the above depicts a town built around a river. The mat itself is neoprene so it rolls up nicely and stays flat when deployed on the table. Needless to say I have plans other than pure aerial actions for this!

I have been sorting through the final part of my recently acquired Wings of War/Glory collection - the aircraft are nearly ready to be photographed - and so in the meantime I wanted to share a picture of one of the ‘official’ gaming mats.

I am quite taken by the mats, especially as they can be used in quite a compact space. the one you see above could readily be used for a game with half a dozen or so aircraft, a size that suits me splendidly!


  1. Mat totally looks the business. Hoping we'll see some of your aircraft here next.

  2. Hello there Michael (aka mad Padre),

    I shall be posting pictures of the other mats in due course and I am hoping to get the aircraft photographed over the weekend.

    The collection is not complete but it will certainly suffice until the reprints are available.

    I really need three Fokker D7s….

    All the best,


  3. That's a great looking mat, loads of detail on it, must admit I like it a lot!

  4. And very nice it looks too Dave!

  5. Hi Donnie,

    I like it although I think the features seem a little ‘modern’ looking! The No-Mans Land mat is essentially a large brown blob.

    I am looking forwards to getting some games in on it though and am thinking it would be good for 2mm stuff.

    All the best,


  6. Hello there Raymondo,

    It certainly does old chap!

    All the best,


  7. Wow very nice looking map there David and practical to store away easily. Hope you get lots fun games out of it. Best wishes- Quinn

  8. A very nice looking mat indeed David…
    This little project is coming together nicely…

    All the best. Aly

  9. Hello there Aly,

    It does look pretty good and yes, the project is moving along very nicely indeed.

    All the best,


  10. Hello Quinn and Glory to Ruritania!

    The game is a lot of fun and with the models ready to use straight out of the box it is great choice for the space and time poor gamer!

    I also plan to use the models with other rules as well so there will be plenty of variety.

    All the best,

