Sunday, 21 April 2024

Wings of War and Glory - The Aircraft

Now this is the moment I have been waiting for! The collection has been sorted and is now ready to use although as mentioned previously, I will need to add a few more models - not many mind, around 3 or 4 - and also invest in another couple of the rather useful storage trays the bulk of the collection is in.

So without further ado:

First up are four Albatross DVas (left) and a pair of Sopwith Camels and RE8s (right).

A pair of Sopwith Snipes and a pair of DH4s (left), one of which is in US colours. Four SPAD 13s - two French and two American (right).

A Fokker DR1 along with a German badged Sopwith Camel and a pair of Rolands (left). Two Fokker DR1s and a pair of Hannovers (right). 

Each of these two trays has a pair of DVa and there are a pair of Rumplers on the left and Halberstadts on the right.

Not pictured above - mainly as I do not have anymore of those very useful blue foam storage trays - are the four (soon to be five) SE5As, another Sopwith Camel and a Snipe. I shall soon be collecting a Fokker D7 and am keen to get some more of these if I can, ideally another pair.

I also have an observation balloon so ‘balloon busting’ will feature at some point alongside the usual dogfights.

This is going to be a whole heap of fun!


  1. Splendid…
    A fine collection of aircraft sir…
    I am looking forward to see them in action.

    All the best. Aly

  2. Hello there Aly,

    There is a good selection for what I will need and if I can those models that I need it will be even better!

    I am looking at the bank holiday for an inaugural game or two.

    All the best,


  3. They are very nice indeed, lovely models, really looking forward to seeing your games with them. A really interesting project.

  4. Hi Donnie,

    I have pretty much everything I need bar a few models so I am hoping to get some games in soon - with the imminent redundancy that may well be sooner rather than later!

    All the best,


  5. Lovely models which should look great on the table. It would be nice to see some earlier period planes, mainly due to my modelling attmepts with Airfix kits back in the day:)!

  6. Hi Steve J,

    They do look really nice! There are a number of earlier models available but the collection I have acquired was pitched very much at the latter end of the war so I have focused on that. The redoubtable Mr Fox has a far more rounded collection including earlier aircraft which are equally as attractive.

    I can remember building a Morane monoplane - as I recall it may have a Revell kit -and have vague recollections of a DH2 as well. It was a long time ago in galaxy far, far away though!

    All the best,

