After a herculean effort I have managed to get all the models assembled and on bases for painting. I have also placed a small order with Tumbling Dice for a Gloire (to use as USS New Ironsides - see the picture above), a couple of screw sloops and a couple of stern wheelers. This will suffice for the time being and the painting schedule breaks neatly into two parts - basically thems with sails and thems without. I shall be tackling the non-sailed vessels to begin with as the paint job will be a lot easier!
Looks like fun - Gloire should close enough to New Ironsides especially in 1/2400. What rules will you be using?
I am undecided on the rules front yet althouth Peter Pig's 'Hammerin' Iron'look good fun - especially with the land supplement. Not sure about how to make land troops in 1/2400th though! I have a couple of ideas though...;-)
Great stuff old boy, time to throw in an aquanef for good measure too eh?
Mssr V has used Hammerin' iron so it might be worth asking for his opinion.
Aquanef? Funny you should mention that...........;-)
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