Above is the picture taken from the http://www.irregularminiatures.co.uk/ website of their newly launched range of generic 2mm (approximately 1:900th) 20th (and 19th) century warships. Just the thing for all those Aquanef fleets being planned...................;-)
Check out their website for catalogue codes and prices - as well as sizes which is quite useful.
Ironically, these are very similar to their ironclad style airships range, which I am in the middle of converting to naval vessels! Bugger... Thanks for the heads-up though mate!
Would that be the 'Heirs of Manacus/Uranus' ranges perchance? I am going to email Ian Kay at Irregular to see if he has some better pictures of these. they are very nice and ideal for what we need them for!
Indeed so- they scremed "floating ironclad" to me so I'm using them as Russian pre-Dread era cruiers. Pics soon hopefuuly.
Would love some more details on these - they could be just the ticket I think!
I will report back once Ian has responded but in the meantime it has served to give me a potential alternate take on the planned Balkan Wars and WW1 Black Sea festivities. More of which to follow but I think I may have killed several birds with one stone (he says, grinning enigmatically).
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