Thursday 4 July 2019

Naval Estimates

Bob Cordery's excellent tome, full of inspiring stuff like....

....these two very effective looking scratch built models.

In advance of the figures being completed for the Spencer Smith 30mm ACW project I have been giving some thought to the naval dimension. I have mentioned previously that my plan is to scratch build a dozen or so generic looking river types that will be around five to five and a half inches long, two to three inches wide and around two inches or so tall (excluding funnels). These will definitely be ‘cartoon-style’ and will not, for the most part, be designed to replicate specific types. I also plan to have around half of the total useable for either side merely by swapping the flags over. Furthermore, I will be including a monitor or two in the mix rather than just casemate types. Bob Cordery’s excellent book Gridded Naval Wargames has some very neat ideas for building similarly styled models.

Historically both sides made use of hastily requisitioned and assorted river craft so giving these the ability to serve in both navies is fine. There will a few fleet specific types – for example the Rebels will not have any monitors whilst the Union will not feature any casemate ironclads although a couple of casemate paddle gunboats will feature (USS Carondelet or similar).

I plan to use these in direct support of the land operations I will be conducting so the cartoon-style approach will be ideal, especially as I am using 30mm figures. The height of the models will help with the visual aesthetics.

The models will be made from assorted pieces of timber and various odds and ends from my scrap box. Unusually for me these ship models will not be based so no worrying about ‘waves, wakes, names and ensigns.’ As a rule they are designed very much with combined operations in mind although the odd purely naval action will undoubtedly arise. My plan is to run a small river-based series of linked scenarios or even a mini-campaign.

Many posts ago I mentioned about my acquisition of a Peter Pig hexed gaming mat. I still have this and so the size of the models I am planning have been designed with this in mind as the hexes are 5.5” across the flat sides. It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that I use a 6” long hull as a maximum but I will fall off that decision bridge when I get to it.


Robert (Bob) Cordery said...

Thanks for the plug.

I'm looking forward to seeing your models ... and if I can give you any assistance, just let me know.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

My pleasure old chap! I was thinking that if I could replicate your models or close to them by around 1.25% they would be just about right for my needs. Something to think about and I may well be picking your brains in due course!

All the best,


Archduke Piccolo said...

Convergence! I have persuaded myself to write up a sequel to my recent Hak-al-Kumara battle (19th C RED vs TURQUOISE). As the original battle upon which it will be based involved a couple of riverine gunboats, methought it meet that I build at least one...

David Crook said...

Hi Archduke,

Really looking forward to seeing this - and how you model the gunboats!

All the best,


Simon said...

What rukes are you plannung to use - Bob's from Gridded naval Wargames?



David Crook said...

Hi Simon,

In all probability I will be using a version of Bob’s rules. A gaming friend of mine developed them somewhat and I have a few ideas of my own to add in so there will be plenty of variety.

There are also very rules published by David Manley that I may well take a look at.

All the best,


Simon said...

Thanks David. I would be very interested to see how you have developed Bob's core rules as I am also interested in using these. Coincidentally, I am currently resisting the temptation to buy David's Dahlgren and Colombiad rules - at leat until I have played his Broadside and Ram Lissa game!

Are yiu by any chance signed up to either the Ironclads or Portable Wargame GroupsIO forums?

Happy New Year!


PS - love your blog!

David Crook said...

Hi Simon,

The version of Bob’s rules I will be building on had been tweaked by my old friend Mr Fox and are really good as they stand. I intend to tweak these further to better suit the type of actions I will be fighting (mainly on the rivers or coastal areas) or rather the type of ships I will be using.

I will be getting David Manley’s rules in due course.

I need to sign up on Groups IO so I will see you there!

Happy new year to you as well and thanks for your support!

All the best,


Simon said...

Good stuff. David's naval campaign rules for the ACW look interesting as well.
