Monday 21 December 2020

Messing about on the River

A generic looking paddle steamer for use on the river                                       

This was not quite the series of models that I wanted to finish off but it does form part of the ACW project and so still counts! Working on models between two periods certainly keeps one on one’s toes! Given that everything for the ACW I have built so far is more coastal facing than inland I wanted to address the river side at some point for completeness. I had a little spare time today so I had a play around and the picture above is the result. I have a further similar model also under construction but one thing occurred to me in that the same basic design can be varied quite easily to produce different looking models.

For example, the paddle boxes can be centrally located or placed towards the rear of the model, there can be one or two funnels that again, can be positioned forward or centrally. The superstructure can be ‘wedged’, square or ‘arrowhead’ and gun ports can be added or not to suit.

I am thinking around half a dozen variants of this basic design will serve for what I want to build and they can function as gunboats, rams or transports as required.

Another view showing the MDF outer paddle box cover and the balsa wood inner section

The hull was a cut down 5” by 1 1/4” (down to 4”) with a single Jenga block for the superstructure. The paddle boxes were fashioned using the off-cut from a 4” by 1” hull as the former with balsa wood backing. Having the MDF on the outside helps to protect the softer balsa and you can simply file it to match the outer layer. The hatches and gun ports/window shutters are card and the funnel is a piece of dowel rod. The pilot house is also a piece of balsa wood. Now that I have the basic technique worked out (again that is - I made rather a lot of these types of ships years ago) I will get the other five built in the series. That will then leave me with around half a dozen models to finish the project.

Onwards and upwards!


Steve J. said...

Oh my David, I do like that an awful lot! Excellent work once again:)

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


Looking good! It’s generic enough to pass for a ship used by either side ... and by slightly moving the various parts, the resulting ships will look significantly different.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello there Steve J,

Many thanks old chap! I made an interesting discovery whilst making this particular model and it is kind of ironic as this is actually a one off more or less! I am building the other five that will be similar and then it will be a couple of Union City class ironclads and possibly some 90 day gunboats. I may add in a trio of Ellet Rams but that will be the lot for the ACW.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

That is the plan! Seriously though, I want this batch of models to be usable by either side as the scenario dictates. I am looking at having removable flags so that the models can swap sides as needed - historically accurate as well!

All the best,


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

You are having "fun"

David Crook said...

Hello there Geordie,

I certainly am! I shall just see where it takes me.

All the best,


Archduke Piccolo said...

Hi David -
That vessel there looks more like an ACW riverine gunboat than the real thing! Superb! The thing with than 'generic' design, is that could equally well be a wood clad (like USS 'Lexington' or 'Tyler'; or or an ironclad gunboat like USS 'Indianola' or 'Lafayette'.

Bob The Old Painter said...

An ACW armoured paddle steamer, something that I have been looking forward to seeing. These should be able to closely support your land forces up river.

James Fisher said...

This is brilliant. Another fantastic construction David. Your shipyard is at full production!
Regards, James

David Crook said...

Hello there Archduke,

Many thanks old chap - both for the kind comment and for the ‘nudge’ back into the river following your recent blog post! I am deliberately making this batch of models almost anonymous as to their origins as well as suitable for use on either side as required. Interchangeable flags is an option I am exploring for this.

I hope to have all six built by Christmas Day and the plan is to build 2 models each of three basic variants but with 6 different models. I am using three superstructure types, and each model will have one or two funnels with the paddle boxes either central or to the rear. All will be 4” long by 1 1/4”.

That is the plan anyway!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello the Bob the old painter,

This will soon be joined by some friends! They will also provide valuable fire support to the land stuff.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello there James.

Thank you old chap - I am trying to maintain a full head of steam with this project (and the Russo Turkish stuff).

All the best,