A classic board game with an excellent search system.
The game has a basic, an intermediate and advanced version with the latter using counters on a tabletop rather than than a board - rather like Jutland but with a lot more detail. The principle reason I was keen to gate a hold of a copy of this is for the search system and its associate components.
There are two search boards - one British and one German with unique data for each side contained therein. Note the use of offset squares rather than hexes.
On the map boards are used in conjunction with individual ship counters or air assets. Counters also exist for task forces. Essentially one needs to be in the same grid square to initiate combat which is then resolved on the tabletop (or on the battle board is using the basic game).
I have at last managed to track down a copy of this game that will not require me selling body parts to finance. I have also tracked down a rather better copy so will own a couple of sets.
The expression 'they are like bananas, they always come in bunches' springs to mind....
Bismarck, Second Edition.
Hi William,
That is the one! There is a lot more depth to this version compared to the original 1962 version - especially in terms of the choice of ships available.
Very pleased to have got this as it dovetails in with the North Atlantic project very nicely.
All the best,
I bought an electronic compendium of AH General re: the Bismarck and a "reader" had wrote in describing their crocodile clip search board that lit up a bulb when two ships (of opposite nations) were in the same hex
Analogue computing!
Hi Geordie,
I have a similar compendium which includes everything for all the AH naval games so I will be looking at Bismarck in some detail over the next few weeks.
All the best,
Where did you guys find the AH naval games compendium?
Hello there William,
I got my from Ebay a couple of years ago. If you search Avalon Hill games you will find several PDFs for various game combinations. The one I got game from Australia and features scanned copies of all the components and all the relevant articles from the old AH General magazine.
Hope that helps,
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