Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Man Cave: Unplugged

In a moment of whimsy I decided to take a few shots of the Man Cave: The Rayleigh Annex (affiliated to its Antipodean version!) so you can see the nerve centre for all my various operations and plans for global domination.
The only thing remaining for me to do is to put up a couple of small shelves for the sound system and a selection of suitably inspiring CDs.
Perhaps a small fridge for the Pimms and Lemonade...............;-)
I am very pleased with the final result although the colour scheme was SWMBO's idea and made use of various tins of paint that were festering in the shed!


Paul O'G said...

Lovely - a cozy spot just right to spend a few hours in each week! Perhaps a few inspirational posters will keep the motivational juice flowing too :-D

David Crook said...

Hi Tas,

Funny you should say that!

It is great not having the PC anywhere near as I was spending too much time browsing.

I would like honorary membership to the sacred and honourable fellowship of Man Caves (as established in the Antipodes) and such a certificate would have pride of place in the Factorium.


SteelonSand said...

Hi Ogre, always fun to see what is on someone else's painting table, and moreover, where the 'magic' happens!
Looks like you're settling in nicely; BTW what's the blue bulb in the desk lamp on the painting table? Some sort of artificial daylight bulb?

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


Your Man Cave looks very nice ... but a bit too tidy!

Give it a week and it will end up looking like a tip ... well that's what happened to mine!

All the best,


PS. I only put my old computer in my room so that I could use it to play CDs and DVDs. The whole things was smaller than the TV, DVD player, and CD player that perviously occupied space in the room.

David Crook said...

Hi SoS,

Good spot re the light bulb! Yes it is a daylight bulb and it has lasted me about 8 years so far! I need to put a couple of small shelves up and then it is completely finished. The biggest advantage so far (aside from the extra space)is the fact that I can leave stuff out that is on the go rather than having to pack everything away at the end of a session!

There is much planned in the way of 'magic' so watch this space!


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

Re the 'tidiness' - give it time, give it time!

I am thinking of a small micro system for the sounds - I enjoy having classical music on whilst painting/modelling; or even a film soundtrack or two depending on the project in hand!
