Sunday 22 September 2024

Flags and Forts

The African Queen continues on her way past the fort at Shona - I know, it is Turkish but it’s the only one I have that is vaguely close to the original! 

I managed to get the Union Jack applied to the African Queen - in the film she only sported it when going to attack the Louisa - but I like to see my models with flags!

I did hit a small problem in that the flag is only the right way round on one side - The Union Jack should be flown with the wide diagonal stripe at the top nearest the flagstaff. It is correct when viewed from one side but not the other.

Right on the starboard side….

Wrong on the port!

The fort is there just as a backdrop to represent the fort the African Queen had to pass by on her way to the lake. She came under rifle fire from some Askaris but as she had the sun behind her it was mostly ineffective.

Am I going to build a fort for the Germans? Absolutely!

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