Friday 11 October 2024

Under Starter’s Orders

A real bargain of a new addition - £22 as opposed to £50 - and worth every penny! A more ‘modern’ read compared to Parkes but with a slightly better coverage of foreign competition in the battleship stakes.

Double sized pictures of actual plans and….

….this quite magnificent double sized double sized centrefold!

I finally competed the ten pages of ironclad designs for Warbases and these have been duly sent (and acknowledged) to Martin. I will be making a point of seeing him on Sunday at the Other Partizan show in Newark - a two and a half hour drive from me so I do not plan to make this a regular trip! I hope to catch up with as many people as I can whilst I am there as well as getting some pictures.

Whilst Martin at Warbases is working his magic I will be making a start on making masts as every ship in this project has at least two. Mast building is very satisfying and easy to do but one does need to take care when gluing. You cannot rush it.

Next steps

Another really useful supplement from the pen of Mr. David Manley

Aside from the masts I need to convert the specifications of my chosen ships into DTPIW terms. For the Turks this will be straightforward as many of the ships feature in David Manley’s Russo Turkish War supplement but the Royal Navy I will need to do from scratch.

I will get the modelling tray cleared for action so the San Pablo will need finishing, along with the Belgians for Lake Tanganyika.

I have all the flags I need and will check the paint situation prior to setting off on Sunday - I will need a lot of Vallejo Black for sure!

Let the games commence!

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