Monday, 23 December 2024

DTPIW Shipbuilding’s Back on the Menu Boys!

Nothing says British Battleships like this gigantic doorstop of a tome1

Huzzah! My order from Warbases arrived this morning with the final additional bits and pieces needed for the RN and Turkish ironclads. For the most part this order consisted of the following:

1. Bits I had forgotten in the first place
2. Bits I had changed the spec of (usually the wrong thickness of MDF!)
3. Bits that were wrongly cut.

By far and away the biggest culprit in all this has been yours truly, but occasionally Martin’s attempts at translating my crude scrawls goes awry (not surprising given the plans he has to work from!) and in this case it happened with a deck level template - the one with the holes for the masts and bowsprit. 

Martin is a good sport and a top bloke and so despite Warbases being insanely busy at the year end he was able to get the pieces I needed sent out.

After a swift session with the superglue all the 23 models are now at the same stage in their construction - this is a very important part of the production line approach I am taking - and so I am in a good position to crack on with the ships. I am now on the lookout for another RN turret ship for around 1880 (not HMS Monarch - she is already under construction) and so my companion for the next few days will be the glorious tome you see at the top of this post - a magnificent gift from the esteemed Mr Manley awhile back and a volume worth its (considerable) weight in Gold. 

Or Frankincense. 

Or Myrrh.

Once again, have a cool Yule!


Ray Rousell said...

You must have a few boxes of ships in your collection now, Dave?

David Crook said...

Hello Raymondo,

The scratch built collection lives in four boxes - for the moment! Once this batch is finished I reckon that will creep up to six or more!

All the best and have a very merry Christmas - catch you in the new year!


Steve J. said...

Well that does look a very worthy tome to own and as always, I look forward to seeing your mdf 'kits' come together:).

Jim said...

I do admire your enthusiasm David and the end results.

Aly Morrison said...

You are certainly steaming ahead with this project….
And what a tragedy to have to sit and thumb your way through ‘British Battleships’

All the best and a Merry Christmas.


David Crook said...

Hi Steve J,

It most certainly is! Much glueing has been taking place and I am now well placed for the next steps. It is always nice to see these models take shape for sure!

All the best and Merry Christmas!


David Crook said...

Thanks Jim - on both counts! I have had and continue to have a lot of fun building these models and using them on the table top.

All the best,


David Crook said...

It is a dirty job - but someone has to do it so it may as well be me!

All the best,


Paul O'G said...

Well done that Man(ley)!

David Crook said...

G’Day Paul,

Absolutely! It was a top surprise from a top bloke - and by jingo it is HUGELY useful!

All the best