Monday 8 June 2009

Searching for a Credit Crunch Campaign

I am toying with the idea of a small 20mm plastic project - possibly to link in with the Balkan Wars naval stuff or perhaps even my perennial old favourite - the Arab Revolt. I have always had a soft spot for this since seeing the epic movie Lawrence of Arabia and I am of the opinion it would translate into an ideal mini campaign of the scale desirable. The Airfix Arabs are available as are the Turks (plus heavy weapons) from Hat. You could probably get some Turkish Cavalry converted from something suitable via the old head swap trick. The Imperial Brits would be a little more problematic as the short wearing Colonial types are not available but as you probably only need them for MGs, gunners, signalmen and officer types it would not be too much hassle to convert some WW2 8th army with the right heads (probably from one of the varied Colonial infantry boxes doing the rounds - not quite accurate but close enough!) or even use some spare Arabs. A couple of lengths of train track, a few palm trees and scrub and perhaps some peasant type buildings and away you go. I am pretty sure you can get a Rolls Royce AC from somewhere and aircraft would be no problem as well.

I had considered tackling a number of years ago using Minifigs WW1 15mm figures from the Colonial and Middle Eastern ranges but the project never saw the light of day. I think that using 20mm plastic would probably not be cheaper but it would be more fun and so will probably get my vote. The Sannusi Revolt would also be an interesting mini project involving regular troops on both sides although for the purist the Airfix Arabs have the wrong headgear for their Saharan brethren. The Osprey title 'Lawrence and the Arab Revolts' (MAA 208) provides some good background material and plenty of inspiration.


Paul O'G said...

All sounds good, but I reckon 15mm is a more common scale and you'll be able to use the figs for more in the end. just my 2c worth!

David Crook said...

That is very true but I really fancy mucking around with plastics again - I will cost up both options and see what transpires. Your 2c worth is much appreciated as ever!

Steve said...

Go plastic! WW1 is quite comprehensively covered and as discovered in my recent dipping experiment take minutes to paint (I almost bought the Aussies on Saturday but restrained myself)

David Crook said...

The WW1 plastics look very tempting but I have just seen the Irregular 15mm Balkan Wars range..........oh dear, I think I am going to need to sell something!