Tuesday 21 February 2012

MoBaS 1890 to 1905 - The Rules

Memoir of Battle at Sea 1890 to 1905

The link above should enable you to download the latest version of the rules I have been experimenting with. Please feel free to do so and let me know how you get on with them.

I plan to upload some ship specific charts which can be used instead of the generic versions in the rules - starting with the Greek and Turkish fleets and then the Russians for the Black Sea.


SteelonSand said...

Man, those are short but sweet - that's some great mechanics you've managed to squeeze into just two pages... definitely just the ticket for some Minifigs ships action!

David Crook said...

Hi SoS,

There will be a few minor tweaks as a result of the game this evening but absolutely nothing major. I am really pleased with them and with the Minifigs ships on the Hexon they will look just grand!

All the best,