Sunday 18 October 2009

"Gladiators, I salute you...." Proximo aka Oliver Reed

Whilst in a frenzy of bite-sized projects I dragged out another 'quick win' in the shape of my two sets of EM4 Ludus Gladiatorius with 10 pre painted figures. All these need is to have the bases sanded and painted and are then ready for use. I have always enjoyed Gladiator games as they are cheap and easy to stage and there is a lot of 'kit' and rules available to use with them. On a historical note I once considered a Spartacus Slave army for DBA in 15mm but it never got much beyond the planning stage. I may revisit it at some point especially as I note there is now an Osprey campaign title devoted to the uprising.

"We who are about to die salute you!"


Paul O'G said...

To add to your quick (and cheap) win, there is a free paper model of an arena available on the internet!

David Crook said...

That would be very useful - do you have the link at all?

Paul O'G said...

Couldnt find the link, so I've emailed you the files instead - enjoy!

David Crook said...

Many thanks old boy - I shall refrain from anymore Proximo based quotes immediately!