Thursday 8 September 2011

Building the Blocks of War....Part 4

The new look weapons sheet - far leaner than the first version.

Yesterday evening saw me finishing the revamped sheet of labels for MGs, mortars and AT guns. I am much happier with these compared to the original versions as they are far less chunky than their predecessors. Aside from some tidying up of the files I am pretty much done as far as designing the labels is concerned and all that now remains to be done is to stick them to the blocks. This is by no means a difficult task but it does take some time so my next couple of nights or so will be given over to this essential task.

The rules are taking shape and I have sufficient scribbled notes to be able to type up a first draft and that will follow on from getting stuck in to the labels.

An additional task will be to cut up some felt squares for roads and rivers etc so the forthcoming weekend will be very much one of preparation.

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