Thursday 8 August 2024

A Wargames Iceberg

The beginnings of what will be the Graf Von Gotzen - note the use of one of the ‘broadside gun deck’ templates for the central superstructure, along with the bow forecastle. 

Showing the superstructure piece in place. This is currently separate from the hull as there is more work to do on it before being glued in place. The hull will also require some holes drilled into it.

Spare dice frames about to become the cockpit surround for Mimi and Toutou!

A strange title for a post to be sure but you will see why!

I am not sure of the correct ratios but as I recall only one eighth of an iceberg is visible above the surface - the other seven eighths are underwater and unseen. 

My Lake Tanganyika project is currently in iceberg mode - the pictures show the relatively modest amount of progress I have made with the models but believe me, there has been a lot more activity! I touched on briefly about having to modify my modelling technique to work with smaller models than those for the American Civil War. I am now satisfied that I have worked out what to use material wise so progress now should be steadier.

As usual, there are a number of shortcuts that can be taken - I am a great fan of using all manner of odds and ends for scratch building - and so the final models will be simplistic looking and very much ‘based upon’ rather than museum-quality scale representations. Make no mistake though, for all of the seemingly simple look achieved a lot of thought and head scratching has gone into the finished item!

Bit like an iceberg really….

Sort of…


Rob Young said...

Looking good.

David Crook said...

Hi Rob,

Now that I have some clarity around the idea in my head I can translate it into the model I am making! Seriously though, they will be quite simple looking along the lines of the ACW models but as ever, the main thing is that they will be close to what they should be!

All the best,