Saturday 24 December 2016

Have a Cool Yule!

First of all the complements of the season to one and all! As I write this I am suffering from a very heavy cold which means that currently I am unable to taste anything (that is a bit of handicap at this time of years for sure!) and so I am feeling somewhat below par. This coincides with having no phone line (although the broadband is Ok) until 28/12 when the BT engineer will turn up.

On the plus side though I am off work until 03/01, Holly is back from University - and her 21st birthday celebrations earlier in December, and my grandson will be here tomorrow. There is also the small matter of Rogue One next week as well.

The picture above is something I am messing about with alongside the Men Who Would be Kings. In truth I have everything I need for a number of projects but it is, as ever, finding the time.

Have a great holiday, however you choose to celebrate it, and I will back in the new year.