This is a long running and continuing journey around a collection of ideas, projects, games, models and a variety of wargaming related themes from my own imagination and from others. As I have been described as having the attention span of a forgetful goldfish you can rest assured the resulting subject matter will be diverse and (usually) entertaining! "He lived in a frenzy of enthusiasm — but nothing lasted for long with him".
Thursday, 6 February 2025
At Last the Circle is Now Complete
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
More On Aerial Bases
Sunday, 2 February 2025
It’s all about that base, ‘bout that base…..
Another view
Following on from the Dawn Patrol acquisition and the perplexing problem of the very thin aircraft counters, I spent some time messing about with my MDF ‘mountain’ (I like to be different - most gamers have lead or plastic mountains….) and came up with the following. It was very simple to do - I simply took two 1” square bases and drilled a hole in both, into which a 2” piece of bamboo skewer was placed.
The counters will be glued to the top of the base but these will not be permanently fixed to the flight stand as I will only need a couple of dozen or so of them. All the counters will be mounted though.
I will paint the edge of the counter and its base, along with the skewer in a sky blue whilst the ground base can be painted green and textured.
Now I know this is not a model but using such a base certainly adds to the visual appeal - one could really go to town with varying heights etc but for me this is just fine. I could also do something similar for Mustangs although these is a minor problem in that the counters are double sided. In that case perhaps fixing a ‘lip’ around the top base into which the counter is placed may be a viable option.
In either case an order to Warbases will be needed!
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Close In Counters of the First, Second and Third Kind
Following on from my post of yesterday I have spent some more time reading through Dawn Patrol and examining the components. These are of high quality although the counters, whilst looking nice, are a little on the flimsy side. There is a good variety of types represented - certainly more than adequate for my purposes - and to be frank, I am now sold on the idea of using these rather than models.
To begin with I will certainly mount the counters - I have a supply of 1” square 3mm thick MDF bases which can be used - and indeed, I have an idea about fashioning flying bases in some fashion in order to raise the counters off the map. I need to think about his further but I can certainly experiment in the meantime.
The rules are rather good in a 1982 kind of way - meaning tables aplenty but all are quite clear. I was intrigued by the notion of using squares for an aerial game but the well written rulebook, complete with plenty of examples of how to fly a cardboard bi/tri/monoplane certainly explains away any concerns I may have had. I need to take the charts and tables apart and cut out the manoeuvre/tailing cards - somewhat surprisingly the role playing part of the game is detailed on the cards rather than being in the main body of the rules - before I can use the game so there will be an element of setting up before it is table ready.
Not the usual depiction of the Western front during the Great War - I would have preferred to see trench lines etc but no matter.
The only thing I am a little undecided on is the map. It is nice enough but in my mind’s eye I envisaged something more akin to No man’s land with some countryside around the edges. I shall get this laminated and yes, unsurprisingly I have plans beyond WW1 aerial for this.
In closing
We are never too old to learn and so looking at aerial games using squares has certainly given me much to think about. The Dawn Patrol system in respect of flying could, with some work it must be said, be adapted for use with WW2 types. The key adjustment would be speed etc as for WW1 one square equals ten miles per hour which is all well and good for the period but would be a touch problematic for the much higher speeds of WW2. Something to think about anyway - like I need another project but hey, ho, that’s how I go!
Friday, 31 January 2025
Ironclads and Biplanes
Monday, 27 January 2025
Of Ben Hur and Spartacus (with a nod to Gladiator…..)
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
An Age of Sail Mystery
Continuing Flights of Fancy
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Thoughts on Wind and Water
Monday, 13 January 2025
A Disc that Slipped (the mind, that is!)
A Disc that had slipped from my mind….
No, I haven’t injured myself - I am instead referring to a CD I purchased way back in 2010! The CD is a compilation of PDFs of the components from the Avalon Hill and Victory Games Naval Titles. Also included are all the appropriate articles from the Avalon Hill General magazine associated with a particular title.
There are scanned copies of the rules, counter sheets, map boards, record logs/plot maps as well the aforementioned AG General articles.
At the time I purchased this solely for the Jutland content but upon rediscovering the CD I realised that there is a whole lot more good stuff to plough through. To give you a flavour the list of games covered is as follows:
Attack Sub
Bismarck (1962 and 1978 versions)
Carrier (Victory Games)
Flat Top
Midway (1964 and 1991 versions)
Peloponnesian War (Victory Games)
Tokyo Express (Victory Games)
Pacific War (Victory Games)
War at Sea/Victory in the Pacific
Wooden Ships and Iron Men
I own a few of these - Submarine, Bismarck (1978), Flat Top, Midway (1991) and Wooden Ships and Iron Men. Jutland I no longer have although I do have the Avalanche Press Great War at Sea version.
The big advantage of this is having the magazine articles in one place and already I have seen a whole pile of stuff that will be useful - not just scenarios and additional rules but designer insights etc. For example, a couple of articles in the Wooden Ships and Iron Men folder were penned by the designer S Craig Taylor Jr. I shall look forward to reading them and the series of scenarios covering the Russo Turkish war during the Napoleonic era.
I have a similar CD that covers the Avalon Hill version of Air Force and Dauntless - I already have the Avalon Hill Generals devoted to Mustangs and Guadalcanal.
That will be my reading material sorted for a while methinks - in between painting ironclads that is!
Sunday, 12 January 2025
WW1 Naval - Micro Fleet style
Saturday, 11 January 2025
A Tale of Two Assault Cannons
Two types of Assault Cannon to inflict the Emperor’s vengeance upon his enemies. The unmounted version looks more business like in my opinion.
Whilst the latest paint on the ironclads is drying I took the opportunity to take a look at the Terminator Assault Cannons I had recently acquired for use with my copy of Space Hulk. As you can see there are a number of differences between the two types. The model I converted uses a simpler looking AC whilst the newer version has rather more detail. I have opted to use the latter for a number of reasons. To begin with, the weapon looks better balanced with several millimetres of the weapon effectively behind the marine. It is also a couple of millimetres shorter so will not stick out quite as far as the first version. Finally, the weapon has a better muzzle finish - the ring that the barrels are mounted in is missing from the first version - and so looks more business-like.
The same conversion technique will be used to fashion the three models I need and I am hoping that I shall be able to re-convert the original model to the new standard.
I also plan to convert some sergeants and a captain figure so as to round the selection off.
Friday, 10 January 2025
Painting Progress
I had some good news this morning in that Warbases are now on the case with my small order - I was expecting to wait another couple of weeks or so - meaning that I shall be able to get to the Royal Navy sooner rather than later. To this end I decided to increase the pace with the Turkish ships so these will be definitely finished first. The pictures illustrate the state of play so far with the lower hulls.
My plan now is to paint the Turkish ships main decks over the weekend so they will then be ready for the deck features and masts etc.
The pieces I am waiting on from Warbases impact five of the Royal Navy models - numbers 2 until five along the bottom row from the left and also number eight. For the first four ships (2 to 5) I am waiting on the main deck whilst number eight has some bespoke pieces needed.
For the Turks I have a number of masts already assembled but I need to see if they are of the correct dimensions first - I will tackle this once the lower hulls and main decks are as complete as they can be first of all though.
Mr Huband will no doubt be delighted at the progress being made with the Turks, Mr Fox less o with the RN!
Thursday, 9 January 2025
The Plan Taking Shape
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Defying Gravity - Leviathans Style
Gotta love the idea of a flying battleship! The base game contains 8 PRE-PAINTED models - 2 battleships, 2 cruisers and 4 destroyers split equally between Great Britain and France. These are made from plastic and are scaled at 1:1200th - the same as those from Brigade Models from their Aeronef/Imperial Skies range
I have a long history with Victorian Science Fiction aerial wargames. Initially this was down to the Aeronef rules produced by Wessex Games years ago - a set I have fond memories an, along with Aussie Paul of The Man Cave fame, even collaborated on a mini campaign supplement called Aeronef over the Aegean. I scratch built fleets of Balkan dirigibles for the Turks, Greeks and Bulgarians, and in short, had a lot of fun with the genre.
Since then I have sort of looked at genre a few times - mainly with a view to scratch building the models again - but never really got anything off the ground so to speak. I am going to look at Robin Fitton’s Imperial Skies (available from Brigade Models I believe) and even revisit Castles in the Sky for additional inspiration but something has appeared at Maison Crook that the genre did probably not expect….
Leviathans is a miniatures based game of flying warships set around 1910 - firmly in the Dystopian Wars/Steampunk ‘era’. I remember seeing mention of the game prior to its launch around 2011 and being pretty ‘meh’ about the whole idea. I have a vague recollection that the models were going to be released moulded in transparent plastic which I was underwhelmed by - not sure why but at the time it did not appeal for some reason - and also the range of ‘official’ models seemed quite limited.
Nowadays I tend to be a little less precious about ‘official’ models - how very avant-garde of me - so when a copy of the released game popped up for sale on one of the Facebook groups I belong to I thought I would take a look - just for old times sake and all that.
I looked into the current situation of Leviathans and was surprised to see that a further edition had been fully funded on kickstarter and added in the Germans and Russians as well as extending the original game to include the Great War. The new base game features French and German Leviathans with the inevitable extra fleet packs adding additional models. A quick messenger exchange with the game’s producers - Catalyst Game Labs - confirmed that the new version is essentially the original game rebadged and expanded and critically, all the original material is still relevant and usable. That clinched it!
Now I should perhaps explain my thought process at this point. Obtaining a copy of a game like this - self contained, with pre-painted models and ready to use straight out of the box - is at the present time probably the best way for me to get into something new. Although this is not strictly a new project per se, it is something that has been on the radar and I do have ‘form’ with it. Is that a justification? Perhaps - but it what passes for rational decision making in my universe it was a no-brainer!
The Game Itself
When this large box of goodies arrived the first thing I realised was that aside from the eight ships in the base game there were also the British and French expansion packs - a further eight models! I queried this with the seller and he said he had forgotten about them. He did not want any extra money as a result which was a generous gesture indeed although I had managed to score one of each set off eBay in anticipation - which now means that I will have twenty four models in all!
The Ship Builder’s Progress
After what has been the best part of three months I am finally on the last lap of my on and off seasonal chesty/throaty thing - an affliction that is not serious but is extremely wearing. I tend to lose concentration easily (more so than usual!) and suffer from what feels like a permanent slightly nagging headache - tension based and no doubt due to the coughing. In short, it means that I am at somewhat than optimal efficiency and so most gaming related activities are greatly reduced.
The pictures you see above at this stage do not look like much but I was able today to get the models up to a tipping point prior to the next phase. I cannot begin to tell you how good it felt to be knee deep in MDF once again and in a meaningful way!
I have a few pieces I am waiting on from Warbases but I am at last at the stage where at the very least the lower hulls can now be undercoated prior to painting. The main decks will have their hatches etc added before being painted so that the first phase will be just the lower hulls. I want to get all the hulls completed (I am waiting on half a dozen pieces main deck pieces from Warbases for these) before I tackle the masts, bowsprits, flagstaffs, flying decks, funnels, turrets and barbette mounted guns.
I am quite pleased, relieved even, to be back in business and am also delighted that the 24 of the 16 models planned are back on track….