Sunday 20 November 2016

There and Back Again....

Hello again! After a shade over three months of 'radio silence' I am now back in the blog groove once again. Well, sort of anyhow....

If I am honest little has changed since August (my last blog entry) on the hobby front but time has proven to be a great healer. I am now much clearer in my mind as to what I want to do and so have been quietly stockpiling the necessary materials to realise my ideas. Of course translating these ideas into a physical reality is quite another thing but I have learned that it is pointless stressing over such things.

I have a couple of small scale ideas to mess around with and so the plan is to tackle one of these over the course of the Christmas holiday. For the record it is a naval project and given the size of the undertaking I am confident of completing this.

The large scale projects are slow burners for sure with the Crusades and a 19th century featuring. Both of these are 28mm and are using plastics for the figures. I am mulling over something 20th century related and have a few ideas in mind. No details as yet but you can be sure that whatever rocks up will be something a little different.

On a personal note the big news is that after a 36 year engagement Laurel and I are at last getting around to getting married next February on her birthday. This is proof positive than I can actually get around to making a decision about something - even if it does take me a while.

A bit like my projects really!


David Manley said...

Congratulations on your engagement :)

David Crook said...

Hi David,

Many thanks Mr. Manley! We actually got engaged in 1980 so I reckon 36 years is probably long enough....

Formula One was one of my favourite board games - alongside Campaign which was also from the Waddington stable.

All the best,


Jonathan Freitag said...

Thirty-six year engagement? Your fiance is a patient one! Congratulations to you both!

Tail End Charlie said...

Good to see you back and congratulations on finally setting a date!

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...



All the best to both of you,


Jim Jackaman said...



tradgardmastare said...

Great to have you back and congratulations to you both!

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Congratulations to you both, Tony

Paul O'G said...

Welcome back and well done - she'll make an honest man of you yet mate!

David Crook said...

Hi Jonathan,

One has to be sure about these things - and the fact that my daughter is 21 next month kind of put things into perspective.....

Many thanks old chap!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Tail End Charlie,

Many thanks on both counts old chap - much appreciated!

All the best,


Diplomatist said...

Congratulations on the engagement!

The Ferrymen said...

Good to see you back, David.
Congrats. (I wish I had waited 36 years!)

Now about that Jutland project...


Prufrock said...

Congratulations on your engagement, and very best wishes to you!


Ed M said...

Congratulations on your engagement.
Good to see you posting again.


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Congratulations, she is making an honest man of you at last ;)

Chris Kemp said...

About time too David! Congratulations on not going on to match Ken Dodd's record :-)

Regards, Chris.