Saturday 3 June 2017

The End of an Era and The Start of a New One

Gosh that was a long time ago! Block armies with an early version of Bob Cordery's Portable Wargame

It has finally come to pass. As of the close of play 31/05 I am once again among the ranks of the unemployed. I had been with my company for a shade over four years and so whilst the pay off was hardly retirement money it will suffice to keep us going for a few months. It is no secret that the job was demanding - I was working for a recruitment company - and that it took a lot out of me and many aspects of my life suffered as a result. I will not miss the commute and given that the job was largely sales based in an extremely competitive market with a very modest base salary the money will not be a major miss either! I am exploring a few options a little nearer to home so am confident my absence from gainful employment will not be a long one.

In the meantime though I am looking forward to getting some quality life time back - or should I say hobby time - so I fully expect to posting on the blog more regularly than I have been of late. This will also mean more time for gaming, painting and modelling so in a way I rather glad of the opportunity to tackle a few things.

SWMBO and I are off on a belated honeymoon on the 12th of June for a couple of weeks so I am looking forward to relaxing in the sun with my good lady wife, a fully loaded Kindle, a notebook or two and my IPad. I have a few ideas (I always have a few ideas....) I need to add some weight to and also I need to order the project list into something that is viable. Needless to say I will report all in due course.

It is good to be back.....


hardrada said...

Hi David

You evidently survived the departure process, despite your concerns about ending up as wrecked as SMS Seydlitz - given your departure date was the 31st May......

Hopefully you will be seaworthy again soon; but enjoy the break from work and 'use it wisely'.



Jim Jackaman said...

Sorry to hear about the job situation but it sounds like you're better off out of it. The honeymoon sounds like a much more enjoyable alternative!

Prince Lupus said...

Illegitimi non carborundum

Jonathan Freitag said...

Best wishes and enjoy your new found hobby time while you can.

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Good to have you back David
I think the balance aspect speaks volumes

Seems like it was an interesting chapter to say the least
I bet your "oral" skills will have been upgraded no doubt through their constant use in that line of work

Hope all goes well
Been in a similar situation
It took me a few interim jobs before I found my feet again
In a good firm
Hope an opportunity comes your way soon

El Grego said...

Welcome back.

I am certain that you will find more suitable employment when you are back from the honeymoon.


Ross Mac said...

Best of luck going forward.

Archduke Piccolo said...

All the best, David - It ain't easy being a member of the precariat...

Tail End Charlie said...

Sounds like a change is much welcomed! Enjoy your honeymoon, looking forwards to more posts!
Tail End Charlie

David Crook said...

Many thanks Gentlemen - the comments and continued support is most welcome and appreciated. I have a few things to take care of over the next week but hope to be back firing on all cylinders on 26/06.

There will be some surprises for sure.....:-)

All the best,


Paul O'G said...

Welcome back David - with every change in circumstance is an opportunity :-)

Charles Litka said...

Hey Dave,
Enjoy your honeymoon! And I hope you can relax, have a great time with your hobby, and then land that next job just a little bit before you need to. I'm looking forward to more posts.