Tuesday 13 August 2024

BIG News!


Coming soon to Wargames Vault - the cover will change as I shall have the models ready fairly soon.

Absolutely chuffed with the above - mainly due to wanting to ‘Hex’ the rules for some time - and that Mr Manley has trusted me to make it happen!

The models for the above are progressing nicely and I should be at the sealing prior to undercoating stage tomorrow. Painting and final assembly should then follow and so the plan is to run a game using the rules over the weekend - naturally this will feature on the blog. 

For the record I am already thinking ahead to other gunboat style operations especially some Madasahatta style operations. This would be a personal homage to Eric Knowles given that my very first naval command was in Madasahatta and consisted of a pair of German gunboats!

The circle, as they say, is now complete…. :-)


Donnie McGibbon said...

Congratulations David, well done, you should deserve to feel chuffed.

Maudlin Jack Tar said...

Well played! I look forward to reading it.

Simon said...

Sounds great. What size of table do you need in terms of number of hexes?

Archduke Piccolo said...

Well done that man! I might be forced to get myself a copy, in readiness for the outbreak of the Second Blacklands War...

PDL said...

Well done David, looks like an interesting book. Paul.

David Crook said...

Hi Donnie,

Thank you kindly old chap! It was just a bit of fun that took on a life of its own but I have really enjoyed the process!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Maudlin Jack Tar,

All being well it should be available in September. I just need t finish the models for the cover etc.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Simon,

My table is 5ft by 3ft and I use 4” hexes (across the flat sides) The cloth I use is 13 x 9 hexes which is fine for the size of action likely to be fought. I use the same cloth for my ACW naval games and have managed six models a side with little difficulty.

Hope that helps!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Archduke,

Thank you most kindly sir! All being well they should be available next month.

All the best,


David Crook said...


The parent rules (the tabletop non-gridded version) include the full campaign system (which is excellent) but this is merely a hex based adaptation. I hope to run a game using the rules in the next week or so which will feature on the blog.

All the best,


Mark Cordone said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading it!

David Crook said...

Hi Mark,

So am I!

All the best,


Paul O'G said...

Congratulations mate - thats a veritable stable of titles you are building up as an author! Proud of you :-)

David Crook said...

G’Day Paul,

Thank you kindly sir! I have enjoyed this little diversion and as usual - I have plans to expand the scope!

All the best,