Something that piqued my curiosity - cheap and cheerful age of sail wargame of indeterminate origin, circa 1982. This folds in four with the game components stored within
Yup! It uses squares no less
The rules are on eight pieces of card and on the flip side of each sheet is a ship record card….
Each side has a 64m two 38s and a 20 gun armed merchantman
A series of event cards is included along with the material you see - note the self assembly D6! I was intrigued by the range stick -not something one usually associates with a grid based game
The ships. These are designed to be folded in half with a sea ‘base’ for them to stand up. The pictures had a dash of colour to differentiate the two side - British and French
I have never seen the above until I came across a copy for sale on eBay for a ridiculously low price so I grabbed it for a look. There are some interesting ideas contained within the rules along with a fair degree of tongue in cheek humour and for those reasons alone I am tempted to give it a spin over the weekend.
In the meantime though, I will do some digging to see if I can find out anything about it.
Curiouser and curiouser….
This isn’t an interesting find. I see no reference to it on BGG.
Indeed, I have been informed that it was available to buy in a Portsmouth gift shop some years ago - and confirmed that it is not on BGG.
A curiosity for sure!
All the best,
What a great looking little game, all the bits and pieces look super, a real curiosity but a cracking find.
That is certainly a nice little find David…
I like the self assembly dice… It just shouts retro…
All the best. Aly
Hi Donnie,
It appears that this game was available at a Portsmouth gift shop (presumably near HMS Victory) many years ago.
I hope to give it a run out over the weekend, as much out of curiosity as anything.
All the best,
Hi Aly,
I did chuckle at the DIY dice - I cannot imagine any wargamer worth their salt not having a gazillion of the things kicking around!
All the best,
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