Monday, 13 January 2025

A Disc that Slipped (the mind, that is!)

A Disc that had slipped from my mind….

No, I haven’t injured myself - I am instead referring to a CD I purchased way back in 2010! The CD is a compilation of PDFs of the components from the Avalon Hill and Victory Games Naval Titles. Also included are all the appropriate articles from the Avalon Hill General magazine associated with a particular title.

There are scanned copies of the rules, counter sheets, map boards, record logs/plot maps as well the aforementioned AG General articles.

At the time I purchased this solely for the Jutland content but upon rediscovering the CD I realised that there is a whole lot more good stuff to plough through. To give you a flavour the list of games covered is as follows:

Attack Sub


Bismarck (1962 and 1978 versions)


Carrier (Victory Games)

Flat Top

Midway (1964 and 1991 versions)

Peloponnesian War (Victory Games)

Tokyo Express (Victory Games)

Pacific War (Victory Games)

War at Sea/Victory in the Pacific

Wooden Ships and Iron Men

I own a few of these - Submarine, Bismarck (1978), Flat Top, Midway (1991) and Wooden Ships and Iron Men. Jutland I no longer have although I do have the Avalanche Press Great War at Sea version.

The big advantage of this is having the magazine articles in one place and already I have seen a whole pile of stuff that will be useful - not just scenarios and additional rules but designer insights etc. For example, a couple of articles in the Wooden Ships and Iron Men folder were penned by the designer S Craig Taylor Jr. I shall look forward to reading them and the series of scenarios covering the Russo Turkish war during the Napoleonic era.

I have a similar CD that covers the Avalon Hill version of Air Force and Dauntless - I already have the Avalon Hill Generals devoted to Mustangs and Guadalcanal.

That will be my reading material sorted for a while methinks - in between painting ironclads that is!


Martin Rapier said...

Where did you get the CDs from? I have a vast stack of AHGC Generals, but it strikes me that having the articles in electronic form would be excellent.

David Crook said...

Hi Martin,

I got this from eBay from a chap in Australia! If you search on eBay under Avalon Hill you are bound to come across some of these - they are quite cheap but are really handy having the articles in one place and electronically.

Be warned - the temptation for a new projects will reach new heights!

All the best,


PS Could you drop me a line please?