Sunday, 23 February 2025

Back in the Ironclad Painting Groove

Turkish ironclads

I managed to get a good couple of hours in the man cave this afternoon, resuming work on the ironclads for the Royal Navy and the Turks, with the emphasis on the latter. As you can see, the white-lined top/upper decks have been fixed to the hulls so the next step will be to tackle the main deck features - essentially everything apart from the masts. 

Of the models you see above the three that feature in the top row on the left will all have barbette deck guns whilst the two in the bottom row on the left have twin turrets.

Size matters - at least relatively speaking! For the record my model of HMS Superb is the same size as the completed ironclads you see above. The new versions of the Turkish ships are the size you see above

Four of the Turkish ships are smaller versions of models I had built previously and that featured in a couple of battles. The original ships measure around 5” long - the same size as my model of HMS Superb. In reality, the Turkish ships should have been around an inch and a half shorter. With the ACW collection I was never really that fussed about relative sizes - some are, most aren’t - but I have made more of an effort with this one and so the Turkish ships will look rather more accurate in respect of size.

The next step will be the deck features and of course, getting the Royal Navy up to a similar stage!

It is good to be back painting and building these again!



Ray Rousell said...

Looking fab, Dave!

David Crook said...

Hello there Raymondo,

Cheers old chap! Progress with these models has been more measured as I am working on a new production line technique so am mindful of making sure that everything is in the right place at the right time.

This is of course the polar opposite of my usual state of mayhem….

All the best,


Paul O'G said...

Looking great DC - one of my fav periods!

Jim Jackaman said...

A fleet in being no less...marvellous!

David Crook said...

Hello there Paul,

Looking forward to getting these done - and there are a few others in the pipeline!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Jim,

They are being a fleet for sure - with some add-ons in due course!

All the best,


Archduke Piccolo said...

Looking good, David - a far cry from my own rough and ready methods!

David Crook said...

Hi Ion,

Thank you kindly sir! Your ‘rough and ready methods’ certainly produce some cracking results - probably a lot quicker than I can!

All the best,