Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame - An(other) Update

Another day at the ACW Naval ‘office’ - with the Rebels having a thin time of it!

After a period of reflection and deliberation I have decided that the format of Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame is to be changed. Essentially, the Anglo-Turkish War is not going to be in the book but will instead feature as a standalone supplement at a later date.

The book will instead focus on the ACW element - much like the original title - with a historical refight included rather than the Anglo Turkish War of 1880. 

The reason for this change is that including a fictional war felt a little ‘out on a limb’ as far as the context of the book is concerned and would require a lot more work than I originally envisaged - the models are but a small part of the whole - or, if truth be told, have the time for.

On the plus side it does mean that DTPIW should be available on schedule as a result.

It’s not all bad news after all!


Jim Walkley said...

Although I am sure the Anglo-Turkish War element would have been a good read, I must admit the ACW is more to my taste. Awaiting developments.

David Crook said...

Hi Jim,

The size of the Anglo Turkish War section made for a rather unbalanced book so I opted to stick with the ACW. It made more sense to run the former as a separate entity to be published at a later date.

Hopefully this will not be too far away!

All the best,


Ray Rousell said...

Looking great Dave!

David Crook said...

Cheers Ray! It makes better sense doing it this way - trying to do everything at once was definitely a bridge too far.

All the best,