Sunday, 2 March 2025

Quick Reference Sheets? Hmmm....

Hexagonal Firing Arcs - Take 2.... (Appearing on a QRS near you very shortly....)

One of the things that came out of the game last Wednesday was a request for a Quick Reference Sheet (QRS) for the Portable Ironclads Wargame. In truth I had always planned to produce one but never really got around to it. 

Guess what I have been doing for the last few days? 

Yup, a Quick Reference Sheet - except that at the moment it is anything but!

The rules section of The Portable Ironclads Wargame runs from page 37 to page 42. Six pages in all although the firing arc diagram adds another so call it seven.

My QRS currently stands at eight sides of A4.....

I should qualify this by pointing out that one A4 sheet has the new firing arc and examples of how a ship turns off the bow or the stern, another A4 sheet contains the charts and tables so the actual rules themselves are on two sheets of A4 - only the first of which would be essential, containing as it does the most important stuff.

The rules sheets refer to the rule numbers in the book as well as the associated table/diagram which in turn are referenced back to the appropriate rules so navigating the four sheets of A4 should present little difficulty.

Ideally I would have liked to have gotten the whole thing onto two sheets of A4 but short of using a 'bible print' font size - not very kind on old wargaming eyes - I cannot see how much I can cut it down by. Having said that the rules now read far more economically in this format. Once I have finished them I plan to make use of them at the next club game to iron out any wrinkles and make any amendments they may be necessary. After that they will be uploaded to the Gridded Naval Wargame and Portable Wargame Facebook groups.

A long overdue task, but a welcome one!