Available from Tumbling Dice
All the mounted counters for the RFC/RAF - more than enough for my needs and with a good selection of types
I am mounting the counters from the TSR game Dawn patrol onto 1” MDF squares (3mm thick) as the card used is really thin. These mounted counters will then be used in conjunction with a flying base to give the illusion of flight. It is simple work but for a variety of reasons quite tedious and best undertaken in bite-sized sessions.
If you look closely you can see the difference in size - small, but in need of attention
Matt 80 for the bases - very ‘old school!’
To begin with, the counters themselves, notionally 1”, are anything but. There are also some counters on which the aircraft images have been printed slightly off centre. Squaring them involves carefully placing the counter as centrally as possible (or with the ‘slightly ‘offset’ bias) on the base and then trimming the edges with a combination of a scalpel and gentle filing. Bearing this in mind, I have thus far managed to ‘base’ all the British aircraft - 32 in all - which leaves me with the French, American, Belgian, Italian, German and Austrian types to go. On top of this are the AA counters and a couple of double sized balloons.
Whilst the aircraft part continues at a leisurely pace so does the flying base part. After trialing Humbrol Satin 131 and Matt 89 (grass green and sky blue respectively) I then experimented with the old gaming standby of Matt 80 - and to be honest I am far happier with the results.
Tomorrow I shall take the map to get it laminated so at least that part will be finished.
In the meantime though….
I have been thinking about rules to use - Dawn Patrol as written are not quite what I am looking for - and so acquired a copy of Duel of Aces from Tumbling Dice. They are very good and one thing struck me - they would be very easy to adapt for a square grid.
Which happens to be what my soon-to-be-laminated map has….
Have I found yet another rabbit hole to fall into?
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