Sunday, 23 March 2025

DTPIW: A Big Chunk of Progress

Oh no - not another firing arc diagram!

It has been a busy but rewarding day working on Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame. The final chapters (with the exception of the battle report - which has yet to be organised, let alone fought!) have been sent over to the Editor-in-Chief and for the first time in a while I can sense the finishing line being in sight!

Pictures are being added and once the new text has been incorporated and sent back to me for review - there are a few minor changes here and there - we can think about publishing which, all being well, will be during this half of the year.

The picture you see is a taster of what you can expect - no context though, that will spoil the surprise!


Mark Cordone said...

Glad to see more progress. Perhaps it will see publication in time for me to self gift it as a birthday present at the end of May? 😁

Jim said...

Intriguing stuff DC 🤔

David Crook said...

Hi Mark,

Might be possible but there are a lot of moving parts to get in synch first! Having said that I am looking to publish by the end of June at the latest.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Jim,

In many ways DTPIW is more of a toolkit than anything else but it certainly broadens the way in which the game can be played.

All the best,