Wednesday 11 April 2012

Angels 20....Game Number 6, Part 1

One of the few

By way of a change I have decided that game number 6 in my man cave will be an aerial affair using my newly acquired (but yet to be repainted) collection of Battle of Britain era 1:100th scale aircraft. The game is of course, Axis and Allies: Angels 20 and the forces will consist of the inevitable Spitfires, Hurricanes, Bf 109s and 110s. I am willing to bet that most gamers 'of a certain age' could probably recite every technical detail of any of those aircraft courtesy of the thousands of Airfix models that have indulged in aerial combat over the years!

I shall fight one of the standard scenarios from the rule book and will of course be using my Hexon terrain although I made the happy discovery that the laminated maps I have kept from an earlier dabble in the land based Axis and Allies miniatures game are also usable - which is just as well really as the maps provided are pretty grim in my opinion.

I expect to fight with around 3 or 4 aircraft a side which will be plenty. I may even watch the film again - purely in the interests of research of course!


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Looking forward to the AAR already :)

Hadik said...

Glad you found this game! It's my current obsession. I just posted a hex grid map of Malta over at Worth a look!

David Crook said...

Hi Geordie,

I am also looking forward to writing it! I can almost read in my mind's eye the endless diet of Commando and Battle comic books I devoured as a young lad - complete with decidedly non-PC comments attributed to the Germans (and often the Japanese as well!).

All great fun and I hope the game lives up to your expectations!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Hadik,

That is a seriously good map and no mistake! Have you any pictures of your aircraft repaints?

All the best,


Hadik said...

I'm a bit of a painting newb... but loving it! I'll post something soon. Looking for a good decal source for these planes if you have a recco.

David Crook said...

Hi Hadik,

I will keep an eye out and will let you know if I find anything,

All the best,


Conrad Kinch said...!

Note to the unitiated: The above is an entirely faithful rendering of the music from "The Battle of Britain".

David Crook said...

Hi CK,

From renderings of Kipling to original soundtracks - Mr Kinch, is there no end to your artistic talents?

Love the film though and the soundtrack is one of my all time favourites.

All the best,