I have often started the Sitrep with the phrase 'It has been a busy week/weekend (delete as applicable)' but the last seven days have been exceptionally so! To begin with I have finally packed and posted the last of the Front Rank/Foundry 25mm late 17th and 18th century figures from Eric's collection as well as some of the Minifigs Seven Years War and ECW figures. A large number of Essex, Dixon and Hinchliffe Turkish and Polish figures are also heading out the door - some 18 Kg of unpainted metal! I reckon I have accounted for just under half the figures which is pretty good going and, as mentioned previously, I am now looking forward to having a tidy up in the man cave and to be able to catch up on some of my own bits and pieces.
On Sunday SWMBO and I undertook our annual boot sale which was reasonably successful although it seemed like a lot of hard work this year as we were both feeling it the next day, as well as getting a light dusting of sunburn!
Broadside, the wargames show organised by the Milton Hundred Wargames Club and held at Sittingbourne in Kent, is in a couple of weeks (09/06 to be exact) and I am looking forward to going this. I enjoy this show but have missed it in recent years as it has coincided with my holiday. This year we are going after the show - two days to be exact - so it is a win, win as far as I can see! I do not have a shopping list for the show but I will have a modest war chest to use. I suspect that Dave Lanchester and his marvellous book stall will see some of it as he usually does!
Without a doubt the biggest news of my week was taking delivery of some painted Spencer Smith ACW figures from Bob the Old Painter and so making plans involving these wonderful figures has assumed a far more prominent place in the project list. I even went so far as to buy a pack of large sized craft sticks to jig some figures up with - painting figures? Me? Whatever next....?
In the interests of getting a gaming played I have been looking long and hard at my Memoir 44 collection to achieve this. I would not use the Memoir 44 rules for this although I would certainly make use of the scenarios. I suspect that the Portable Wargame will feature and the plan is to tackle something at the weekend. I rather fancy taking a look at the 1941 Crete campaign file I have downloaded. Then of course there is also the Vercours Campaign of 1944 as another option.
I noticed that Dan Mersey of the hugely popular 'Rampant' series of rules is working on a Sci-Fi set which is great news and will give me a chance to dust off some suitable bits and pieces I have lurking around - more of which in a future post.
This is a long running and continuing journey around a collection of ideas, projects, games, models and a variety of wargaming related themes from my own imagination and from others. As I have been described as having the attention span of a forgetful goldfish you can rest assured the resulting subject matter will be diverse and (usually) entertaining! "He lived in a frenzy of enthusiasm — but nothing lasted for long with him".
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Sunday, 26 May 2019
The Largesse of Wargamers
The Union Infantry and their mounted commander. Apologies for the poor quality of the pictures as the light was not as strong as I thought!
The Zouaves. Repainting the baggy trousers with a blue and white stripe will be sufficient to pass muster for the Tigers methinks although the headgear is a little awry.
The Confederate Infantry, Mounted Commander and the Cavalry.
The painted plastic contingent.
The unpainted plastic contingent
So it was that a chance remark set in chain the motion of events that led to yours truly taking delivery of the the material you see in the pictures above.
The figures are all Spencer Smith 30mm ACW figures and the collection consists of the following:
Metal figures
1 x Union infantry regiment of 20 figures (painted and based)
1 x Confederate infantry regiment of 20 figures (painted and based)
1 x Zouave infantry regiment of 20 figures (painted)
1 x Confederate cavalry regiment of 6 figures (painted)
1 x Union General
1 x Confederate General
2 x Cannon (semi painted)
3 x Confederate gunners (painted)
3 x Union gunners (semi painted)
Plastic figures (yes, that is correct - PLASTIC Spencer Smith figures!)
20 x Confederate infantry (plastic, painted)
43 x Infantry in kepi (plastic, unpainted)
On many levels this is an incredible piece of good fortune. The painted portion of the collection (and I am not including the plastics in this) could easily be used for something Portable Wargame related with a little tweak here and there. The first thing would be to rebase the figures and also to repaint the the bases themselves. I will also need to finish the paint jobs on the on the two guns and the Union gun crew. I will also tweak a couple of paint jobs so 3 of the cavalry may well become Union troopers and half of the Zouave unit will become Confederate - the Louisiana Tigers probably. It would not take too much work to get the figures to Kurz and Allison standard which is another area I will need to take a closer look at.
Working on the 4 figure infantry, 3 figure cavalry and 2 gunners and a gun Command and Colours type standard unit sizes means that I could, with a little work have a force for each side of 7 x 4 figure infantry (5 infantry and 2 Zouave), 1 x 3 figure cavalry unit, a mounted General and a gun with two crew. Now an army of 9 units and a general is a little on the small size, even by my standards, so adding to the collection to bring it up to the strength I planned would not be too problematic as I have the figures already and the painting style is EXACTLY the look I am aiming for.
One thing that has really struck me whilst experimenting with various permutations of organisation and basing etc is the fact that using armies of the scale and size I am planning is absolutely fine. I realise that seems like rather a strange comment given my fondness for the Command and Colours and the Portable Wargame ‘one figure equals one strength point’ standard but seeing it as part of one’s own collection gives the concept a degree of ‘realness’. In my case it means the system I have invested so much in (not specifically in monetary terms) looks absolutely perfect for my needs and so I can embark on my planned small scale armies with a clear conscience. They look the part in every respect.
The gentleman responsible for this much appreciated piece of generosity is none other than Bob the Old Painter to whom I must extend my most grateful thanks. Bob and I have never met personally (although should that ever happen the beers will certainly be on me!) and our contact has been via our respective blogs, emails and more latterly the odd phone call. Bob is proper ‘Old School’ in his wargaming and if you take a look at his blog you will see what he has been up to recently - including painting some very nice Seven Years War Minifigs British Infantry. I wonder where he got those from?
In many ways the receipt of these figures has, for me, served to close a theoretical door and opened a practical one - and the possibilities are enormous.
So once again many thanks to Bob the Old Painter for this quite wonderful and hugely inspiring gift!
Friday, 24 May 2019
U Turn? Moi? A Marlburian Reverse
Spencer Smith Grenadiers painted by the redoubtable Iain Burt (whom I have not seen for many a year but I am sure he will not mind me showing these quite exquisite figures!)
Most readers of this blog will know me as a level headed, stable and focused chap - always tackling new projects with an eye for detail and seeing them through to completion....
Then I woke up....(and I can almost picture the multitude of raised eyebrows!).
Whilst I am having a minor break from sorting out the vast unpainted collection of Eric Knowles I have been able to sit back, pause, draw breath and think about the next phase of my own particular brand of wargaming madness.
You will recall that in return for my efforts with this undertaking Bill, Eric's son, had very kindly offered me some of the figures for my own use and after much chopping and changing of my mind I settled on the Minifigs portion - mainly because I thought this would be the part of the collection that would be hardest to dispose. Up to a point this is true but I have certainly made some inroads into the collection - especially for the Seven Years War and the English Civil War. I would say that half of the former and all of the latter have been accounted for and so the main bulk of what is left is for the Marlburian period with a smattering of Napoleonics.
My plan was to make use of the Marlburians (of which there is a prodigious quantity) for my planned Balkanesque set up for circa 1710 to 1720. I am now not so sure I want to do this, at least using Minifigs 25mm figures anyway. For sure there is plenty of choice of figures and any shortfall could be readily addressed by an order or two to Caliver Books who currently own and produce Minifigs. I have had this nagging feeling of 'doing it because I can rather because I should' or to be more accurate, 'doing it because all the raw material has been handed to me on a plate regardless of whether or not I actually wanted it!' I am certainly not being ungrateful at Bill's incredible generosity but I keep asking myself do I like the period enough to invest the time and energy needed to realise it on the tabletop.
The answer is probably not and so I have taken the decision to add the Marlburians to the disposal pile. I feel better in myself having decided this as receiving this unexpected windfall in terms of huge quantities of figures at no cost sat a little uneasily on my conscience.
There is a postscript though. The one thing that rummaging through all this 18th century material has done is to remind me that it is a period I really need to do something with and indeed, I certainly have an ongoing interest in many facets of it - anything from 1740 to 1780 really. If I am to tackle a project in this period (actually that should be 'when' rather than 'if') then I have my own ideas on the matter and for a variety of reasons using Spencer Smith figures is very much at the heart of it.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
For God and Kaiser
A great 600 page plus doorstop of a tome and an excellent overview of the armies of Austria from the Thirty Years War until 1918.
I will freely admit that I am a huge fan of the BalkanWargamer blog. The reason is very simple as the blog is chock full of
information about the military history of my favourite part of the world – The
Balkans themselves and the surrounding area. I should also point out the
BalkanDave – the author of the blog – is an all round top bloke aside from
being a veritable goldmine of information about the region.
Recently he reviewed the above book on his blog (see the link in the previous paragraph) and so following on from this I decided that it
would be a good investment for the library. BalkanDave has a far better knowledge of the area than I and so I was confident that it would be a worthwhile acquisition. I was certainly not disappointed!
Austria, along with Russia, has maintained a frontier with the Ottoman Turkish Empire for pretty much all of the period the book covers so it was inevitable that I would need to look at 'the other side of the hill' to place my planned armies into the proper context. The Minifigs Marlburian component of Eric's collection has a reasonable number of Austrian figures therein and I plan to use these against the Turks in due course so having some reading material about the period, albeit very much from an overview perspective, was a necessity.
I have always considered the Austrians to have something of the underdog about them in the various wars they took part in - seemingly slow to start but getting better as events unfolded. Diverse, colourful and a list of opponents that featured just about everybody means that the Austrians will work rather nicely as a protagonist in my planned early 18th century Balkan set up.
Now that I own the hardback version I am sorely tempted to get the Kindle edition for the daily commute and my forthcoming holiday - it would certainly be easier to carry around!
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
The Weekly Sitrep....Number 29
The classic Command and Colours game of WW2 combat....
Once again the weekend was a busy one but I have managed to
get rather a lot done. As expected most of the time was spent with the ongoing
disposal of the collection of Eric’s collection but even in that I had a couple
of satisfying successes. To begin with the last of the Seven Years War Front
Rank figures are going to be heading for a new home and I have also found
buyers for the Minifigs ECW component. Eric routinely used the ECW to bolster
his late 17th century armies so floppy hatted pikemen were the order
of the day. I also have a potential buyer for the Essex, Dixon and Hinchliffe
Ottoman Turks and Poles. This will enable me to free up a couple of crates so I
will be able to head of my holiday in three weeks safe in the knowledge that
the the disposal of this part of the collection is well in hand.
Upon my return from my travels Eric's WW2 and Marlburian painted armies will be next on
the list, followed by his library and collection of 1:1200th
scale ships.
....and its Great War cousin
For my own part the need to get a game in is becoming more
and more pressing and so I have taken the decision to fall back on that old
standby of Memoir 44 and its first world war cousin, The Great War. I came
across a very useful files section on the Memoir 44 Facebook group. Essentially
there are some potted campaign PDFs that include a brief overview of the
campaign itself and then a list of scenarios from all sources that can be found
on the official Memoir 44 website (you have to register a copy of the base game to access the full content). The campaign specific PDF found in the files section of the Facebook group lists all the
scenarios available in historical order so players merely download the
scenarios as per the list and then fight the battles. Simple for sure but a
very handy resource for those of us where time is at a premium.
Naturally both of the above would lead me quite seamlessly into Portable Wargame territory in due course. For the moment though, just opening the box and setting up a game has a an attraction all of its own although my long term plan is to '3D' the above with both terrain and models.
One more project then....
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Pausing to Catch One's Breath....
Not so much a full commercial break but more of a 'treading water' exercise
I had a long chat with Bill this morning concerning Eric's collection and I am happy to say that he is delighted with progress so far. I was able to tell him that I had probably cleared out at least a third of the unpainted late 17th and 18th century figures with roughly half the remainder being Minifigs with the rest Dixon, Essex, Hinchliffe, Greenwood and Ball etc. The remaining figures span the entire period from the English Civil/Thirty Years War up to the Napoleonic Wars with the former being used for late 17th century militia types and the latter for imagi-nation purposes. For the most part this lot (excluding the Minifigs) will be bulk listed for 'as cheap as chips' prices on eBay on a 'sold as seen' basis. I may well be taking a few crates of figures to COW in July but have yet to make a final decision on this.
This brief interlude (I am going away for a couple weeks just after Broadside in June) will enable me to sort a few things out, not least of which is planning for the next phases of the disposal of Eric's collection. Bill will be the one doing the work over the next few weeks as he will be sorting out the unpainted 20mm WW2 metal collection (around a dozen crates worth), the painted 18th century armies, the 1:1200th scale fleets and Eric's extensive library. Crucially Bill is looking to get the remaining parts of Eric's collection under one roof - his main place of residence - rather than having it split between two houses.
The plan is for the two of us to have big catch up towards the end of next month (with beers) to plan the next phase.
In the interim period I need to ensure that all the units being listed are photographed and assigned an ID number. I have drafted a template for the description and will make sure that all readers of the blog will know when it all goes live. Using the Buy it Now option means that once the units are listed they are listed they will stay on the site until sold which will take a weight off my shoulders for sure as I then only need to post out as and when needed.
The above task, preparing for listing, is easy to do but again is rather time consuming. The big advantage I have though is that I have 4 weeks to ready it all - there is roughly a hundred units or so - with pictures etc. Luckily I can spread this out and even find some time for my own 'stuff', of which the new command blocks are the obvious choice.
Although I am still working on Eric's collection it will be scaled down for a while which will enable me to draw breath and tackle some of my own bits and pieces before the next onslaught!
Monday, 13 May 2019
The Weekly Sitrep....Number 28
I have never seen a copy of this and nor do I intend buying one but it certainly looks like the kind of book I would really enjoy!
This weekend saw some fairly significant moves in the man cave. I managed to package up nearly 50 Kg of unpainted metal across 7 parcels - all heading to the same place I hasten to add - which is now winging its way to its new home. I also filled up half a large recycling bin with old Hinchliffe, Greenwood and Ball and Alberken figure boxes - all of which carried the dust of ages and scribbled notes - so at last I can see the floor in the man cave! With a couple of exceptions everything else can be re-crated and stored far less intrusively under my gaming table. Once this is done I can then hoover, dust and polish - a fact of which SWMBO has, ahem, encouraged me to do although to be fair she has a point as the entire loft looked liked something out of Steptoe's Yard!
There was thing I had overlooked. Whilst moving crates around and repacking some of the remaining units I rediscovered the Seven Years War Hanoverian army Eric had acquired. Judging by the figures used - the customary multiple manufacturers Eric routinely employed - I am of the opinion that this is one of his earlier armies as there are a number of Minifigs S Range types present. Some are even partially painted. I shall be taking a closer look this evening and will post to the blog if there is anything interesting.
Flags for the memory (there are two sheets of the above). Rather than regimental standards I opted to use national flags. In many cases this means two or even three variants. The eagle eyed will not the use of the revolutionary war flag for the US of A with the circular 13 stars. I have the more usual version already.
Around the middle of last week a small order from Tony at Brigade Models arrived in the shape of a couple of flag sheets he kindly prepared for me. These are going to be used for the command blocks with my block armies (not the WW1 German Naval Ensign though - this the normal size I use for my ship models) in conjunction with a number for identification purposes. If you recall my plan was to use a quarter size block (roughly 15mm wide x 12mm high x 20mm deep) as a command block complete with a flag to show the orientation of the unit. Having the unit number will help with identification when using a roster to record casualties. Now that I have the flags I can press on with this stage which will mean I can use the blocks 'off the grid' so to speak although Tony has made such a good job of them I am thinking they will be used on grid as well.
This will be a simple job but it is one that I can tackle easily enough. Having the unit flags with numbers will make the battle reports far more easy to follow and will also add to the personality of the armies represented. This in turn will enhance the gaming experience. There are slightly more flags than I have blocks for but I have more than sufficient for my current needs and can get extras cut should the need arise.
The one standard I will be sticking to though is that block number 1 will always be the army commander.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
A Decade of A Wargaming Odyssey
I like to think that the picture above shows me valiantly resisting the lure of a new boardgame/book/range of figures/set of rules but the sad truth is a little different....
It is hard to believe that ten years ago to the very minute I posted my very first blog entry! What an incredible, epic and Homeric journey it has been and no mistake!
A Decade of A Wargaming Odyssey: The Wargaming Bit
I took the opportunity to take a look back over the decade to see what I was up to and how everything has developed - or not, as the case may be. I would say that the biggest single 'project' was without a doubt the block armies. I have used these for many periods and I am certainly pleased that I persevered with them. They are now one of my wargaming staples.
I have made a virtue of what I call frugal wargaming (the block armies are a very good example of this) and so tales of my boot sale and charity shop acquisitions have been a continuous feature and to this day there is nothing like the feeling you get when you score a book or some other piece of gaming kit for mere pennies - even better when you sell it on via eBay for a healthy profit, thereby enabling some serious expenditure to take place whilst avoiding the admonishing looks of SWMBO at yet more money being spent!
Then there was the great ACW warship scratch building programme using balsa, assorted pieces of timber and plastic card - 50 odd vessels built for use along the rivers and swampy bayous of the US of A. This was enormous fun to do and I certainly learned a lot about building models other than from a plastic kit! For a variety of reasons though, these went the way of the Dodo but I shall be making some more ACW models in support of the Kurz and Allison project although not as many as previously and also at a larger scale.
Naval wargames have featured a lot and my various navies (and scales) have waxed and waned over the decade. Plans for ancient galleys were made and unrealised and lots of ideas for WW2 actions featured at various points. Then of course there was the whole Jutland thing - where I certainly missed the boat, so to speak. Currently I have a number of 1:2400th scale Tumbling Dice ships waiting for a 1914 style campaign and have some long distance plans for the ancients once more, as well as some 'wind and water' style games. Cruel Seas came and went and if I have learned anything from that experience it is that trying to add a little dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl of a rule set is destined to failure when set against the needs of big business.
Some aerial activity has featured but not for a while although I hope to rectify this at some point. I had a lot of fun with Angels 20 and Wings of Glory is always good for a laugh. Funnily enough I never seem to have gotten past Air Force, Dauntless, Richthofen's War, Wings and Air War for my air combat games - similarly with Ship 'O the Line, Jutland and Bismarck for the naval dimension. Perhaps my fascination with grid based wargames stems from my board gaming roots - who knows?
My land based games seemed to have mainly fought on a gridded basis and this has given me a lot of pleasure. I have seen the ingenuity of others take the Command and Colours system designed by Richard Borg and then stretch it more directions you could possibly imagine. I like the original board games and all the various figure based variants - they emphasise the 'game with soldiers' approach to the hobby rather than the uber-detailed simulation style, both of which I enjoy as the mood suits. I would say that the game side resonates rather more with me these days!
A Decade of A Wargaming Odyssey: The Wargaming People Bit
One of the most priceless benefits I have accrued over the life of A wargaming Odyssey is of course the people. I have made countless new friends over the last decade as well as forging closer ties with older ones and indeed, have even met a few of them! Their comments, emails, encouragement, ribbing and suggestions have been a continual source of support for which I am both hugely grateful for and am humbled by. I cannot pretend to be the most prolific painter, gamer or modeller on the planet but I love the part of our hobby universe that I inhabit. The fact that people extend me the courtesy of dropping in and out occasionally is a prize beyond value.
In closing this post I would like to sincerely thank everybody that has contributed over the last ten years and I hope to be able to continue my butterfly like progress over the next ten. I was mildly amused to read the contents of my very first blog post - especially given the projects content - so for your delectation:
Laying the Foundations
Here's to the next 10!
The Weekly Sitrep....Number 27
Hawker Hunter ground attack FGA.9 as deployed to the Middle East during the Aden Emergency
Later than usual this week but for a very good reason! The Canadian branch of the family consisting of my brother in law and his wife are in the UK on a visit and so we were entertaining them over the bank holiday weekend.
I have mentioned previously but my brother in law, Gordie, is an ex paratrooper that initially served with 3 Para before transferring to the pathfinder unit of 1 Para. During his 11 years under arms he served during the Radfan campaign as a GPMG gunner and is always willing to talk about his experiences. He freely admits to enjoying his time with the colours and maintains contact with many of his ex comrades in arms. Time and the rigours of service have left their physical mark on him and so back, knee and ankle problems are the common lot of the ex paratrooper! As a pathfinder - incidentally serving alongside the S.A.S - Gordie was involved with HALO drops from around 20,000 feet. He has a professional respect for the RAF and regaled me with tales of when he undertaking parachute training at an RAF base - apparently the standard of RAF cuisine was far higher than that within the Parachute regiment! He also told me about the air support received from RAF ground attack Hawker Hunter FGA.9s during the campaign and how effective it was - especially the nose full of 30mm Aden!
Naturally the three days we spent with Gordie and Diane were not entirely given over to matters military and so we went out on a couple of trips, dined out and had a really good time. The invitation to visit them in Vancouver is something we will have to seriously consider!
The great packaging of the figures winging their way to their new owners continues with the plan to ship on Saturday. It is not difficult to do but it is time consuming. The good news though is that I will at last be able to see the floor of the man cave!
My order to Spencer Smith will be on its way today for the last of the ACW figures and I have also taken the opportunity to sort out the 1:2400 scale ships I have from Tumbling Dice. I am itching to get a game in at some point so all this sorting out has served to heighten my enthusiasm so I may well be rolling some dice over the coming weekend.
I am not sure what with though!
Saturday, 4 May 2019
Thoughts on ACW Armies
For the Union - Berdan’s Sharpshooters in action
I have settled on the size of the two armies and each will look something this:
3 x Mounted Officers
6 x 12 figure infantry units
1 x 12 figure Zouave unit (more about this later)
1 x 12 figures ‘Rifles’ unit (again, more about this later)
4 x 6 figure cavalry units
3 x 12 pdr cannon each with 4 x crew
This works out at 108 foot figures, 27 mounted and 3 guns. For a variety of reasons I am looking at this as being my standard army size for the horse and musket period and it represents what I would call a full strength army. Usually the games I fight contain less units but it means I have a flexible roster to work from as required. Crucially the units can also break down into Portable Wargame sized Corps level formations.
I do not profess to be any kind of an expert on the American Civil War and so my armies will be very much ‘based upon’ rather than historically accurate - which is why the Kurz and Allison project works really well for me. I like to think of this as the ‘Hollywood’ approach! As can be seen in the above list I shall be including Zouaves for colour and the Rifle units will be green clad sharpshooting specialists. I was rather pleased to discover that the Confederates had a green coated sharpshooter unit and even more pleased to read that the historical unit served during the advance on Atlanta.
Another thing I have decided on is that the infantry units will feature a command element of an officer, a musician and for all except the Rifle units, a standard bearer. The infantry and Zouave units will have a drummer whilst the Rifles will have a bugler. The gun crew will be four figures strong - the 3 figure gunners pack and an officer.
It was a real pleasure spending some time with this collection and making plans for how I am going to use it going forward. At that remains now is to find some time to realise it!
Friday, 3 May 2019
A Portable Rebel and Patriot Gentleman's Civil War
Kurz and Allison with some very dapper looking Confederates for 1864!
This year so far has been largely occupied with sorting out
the collection of Eric Knowles – so much so that most of my own projects have
ground to an ignominious halt. I am not bothered by this although as the days
turn into weeks and then months I am becoming more aware of my apparent lack of
progress in, well, any direction other than packing figures for posting!
It is true that I have made a few acquisitions this year but
to be honest, other than skimming through the various rules or books that have
been added to the collection, I have invested little other than the odd half an
hour or so, usually on the train during the daily commute.
However, now that I am close to a temporary break in the
grand disposal, I have taken a little time out to revisit the ideas I was
looking to tackle this year. First and foremost is of course the Spencer Smith
30mm ACW Kurz and Allison based collection. With the release of the Portable
Napoleonic Wargame followed by A Gentleman’s War and Rebels and Patriots, I
finally have the rules that I want to use for the collection once it is ready
for action. These three sets of rules between them will cater for most of my
immediate gaming needs as they cover virtually every scale of action from army level down to skirmish - and cover both grid based and free table usage. The first
order of business though, even before the paints come out, is to acquire a few
extra figures from Spencer Smith. I will also need to revisit the basing I
shall be using as I am leaning very much towards individual figures rather than on multiples.
In support of this project will also be the need to tackle
the naval dimension but certainly not to the same scale as previously! If you
recall from some years back I scratch built around 50 assorted ships for use on
the rivers and swampy bayous of the US of A. Some of these models featured in a
couple of games in the games folder if you want to see them again. They were
all built with one overriding rule – none of them were larger than 4” long so
as to be able to fit in a single Hexon tile. The models I will be building in
support of the Kurz and Allison project will be far fewer in number and larger
than their predecessors. I have a Peter Pig Hammerin’ Iron gaming mat which
uses hexes of 5.5” across the flat edges so the models will be built to that
size. I will also be making them ‘cartoon style’ in that they will be taller
than you would expect. As I intend using these alongside the 30mm figures the
extra height will help with the overall look of the thing.
Once I have this phase of the disposal of Eric's collection suitably 'battened down' I shall be taking advantage of the break to address the ACW project, at least in terms of fine tuning the resources needed.
For the record I ma really looking forward to this!
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