Tuesday 24 September 2024

Firing Arcs - Revised Edition

Firing Arcs version 2. F - Forward, FW - Forward Wide, P - Port, S - Starboard, A - Aft and AW - Aft Wide. F and A are the single row of hexes directly off the bow and stern respectively, P and S are the rows of hexes that lie between the upper and lower horizontal coffee stirrers whilst FW and AW are everything above or below the coffee stirrers placed amidships on the model. The coffee stirrers are a scratch builders friend and can be found in many places, the letters came from the Works whilst the ship is the CSS Tennessee

Converting the Fire Arcs that David Manley used in his Dahlgren and Colombiad rules to be usable on a hexagonal grid presented a few challenges but I managed to make a reasonable approximation of them for use in The Portable Ironclads Wargame. Unfortunately, I seemed to have been beset by a bout of ‘Barkerese’ when it came to describing them, along with references to bisected and straddled hexes! It was a part of the rules that needed to be tidied up and so I have done so.

The picture above will feature in DTPIW, along with some clarification of firing in general - I should emphasise that there are no major changes, just a few little tidy ups!

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