A rather attractive poster that Mr Fox found online. He kindly sent me a digital version of this and guess what I found on it?
The Turkish ironclad Messudieh - sister ship to HMS Superb, both of which will be featuring in the Anglo-Turkish War of 1880
The battle report that will feature in Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame now has a pair of commanders for the opposing sides. Messrs Fox and Huband will be commanding the Royal Navy and that of the Sublime Porte respectively - for which I am hugely grateful as it means I can concentrate on making sure everything runs smoothly and that the all important after action report is as accurate as possible. I am more confident of the latter than the former though!
The battle will consist of both sides having around 8 ships each and so this will the largest game undertaken using the rules. It will also be fought on a square grid rather than hexagonal.
Each commander will be able to choose eight ships for their respective fleets with the umpire being able to swap out one or two of them, to add a little variety to the set up. I am thinking of running a smaller game beforehand just so Messrs Fox and Huband can get a handle on the rules - in my experience there is no substitute for actually moving the models about rather than relying solely on the written word so to speak.
Anyways, the ships available to either side are as follows:
Royal Navy
HMS Monarch
HMS Devastation
HMS Superb
HMS Hercules
HMS Agincourt
HMS Minotaur
HMS Audacious
HMS Invincible
HMS Swiftsure
HMS Triumph
HMS Belleisle
HMS Orion
Of the ships above the first two are turret ships whilst the final pair are coastal defence rams. HMS Superb, HMS Belleisle and HMS Orion were originally intended for Turkey but were purchased as a result of the potential war with Russia arising from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877/78.
Assar-i Tevfik
Assar-i Sevket
Necm-i Sevket
Luft-u Celil
Hifz-ur Rahman
Muin-i Zafer
Feth-i Bulend
Mukaddeme-i Hayir
Mesudiye is the sister ship of HMS Superb and was eventually sunk during the Great War. The two ships were the largest broadside battery ironclads built and whilst both were equipped with a full sailing rig neither were ‘sailed’ as such. Apparently HMS Superb was so unmanageable under sail that she never had a sailing manual produced for her! I noticed that the Turkish navy reduced the sailing rig on their ironclads pretty quickly - I have no information as to why but suspect that perhaps manpower may have been a factor.
There is an interesting mix of types in both fleets and so the resulting action should be a lot of fun in an anarchic kind of way. As ever, victory will go to whoever makes the best use of what they have to hand, along with the occasional smile from Dame Fortune.
Once again, my thanks to Neil Fox and Nick Huband - I only hope they know what they have let themselves in for!
Happy New Year!
I am excited to see how this project turns out and am looking forward to your latest ship models.
Splendid 👍😁
Hi Chris,
Happy New Year to you as well! As it stands I should have the Turkish ships ready by the end of the month at the latest, possibly sooner. The RN will then follow as by then I will have the pieces I need from Warbases. Some of the RN ships are a little ‘fiddly’ but nothing too serious.
All the best,
Thank Jim! I am looking forward to getting the models built and into action.
All the best,
This looks like a lot of fun! Your Anglo-Turkish might form the basis, perhaps, of a war that I have ion the pipeline. The four powers - of varying strength - are Ruberia, Azuria, Turcowaz and Izumrud-Zeleniya - cognate to UK, France, Turkey and Russia. The question was whether Ruberia was allied to Turcowaz or Zeleniya.
At any rate, the thing is waiting upon my building up the navies of Ruberia and Azuria. Other projects are at the moment ahead in the queue!
Looking forward to see where this goes,
Well I love that poster and being able to look at such a wide variety of ship designs:). Naturally one awaits your efforts with eager anticipation!
Hi Ion,
I am planning on building some Russians at some point and whilst I love the idea of the French I may need to think about my building technique to do them justice.
‘Building up the navies?’ Go on, you know you want to!
All the best,
Hi Steve J,
It is a cracker for sure - Mr Fox has a good eye for potential computer screen savers! Work on the models is moving in the right direction with the Turks currently in pole position.
All the best,
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