Friday 7 October 2011


'Precioussss.....we loves it...'

You may recall a few weeks back the sorry tale of my 6 Sink the Bismarck sets that were, ahem, lost in transit. Well half of the refunded proceeds went on a copy Battleship Galaxies and the other was sitting around, waiting patiently for a chance to shine.

Well the chance to shine came in the shape of two volumes of Conway's Fighting Ships covering 1906 to 1921 and then 1922 to 1946 which have been eagerly snapped up and have joined the 1860 to 1905 volume in my new Man Cave library! I am absolutely delighted to have these in my collection and the mileage I will get from them is enormous.

Arriving as they did this morning, after what can only be described as a miserable week at work, they gave me a welcome boost for the weekend and have timed their arrival nicely with the completion of the Portable Naval Wargame rules. Just the job for the umpteen million ship cards I will need to make and now do not have an excuse to avoid the same!


Steve said...

Nothing like some books through the post is there? The old school equivalent of "shiny thing make everything better"... :-) (until SWMBO asks why the box from Warhammer Historical is SOOO big...)

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


An excellent couple of books that you will get a lot of use out of ... and which anyone with even a mild interest in naval history just cannot do without.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Steve,

It is a real pleasure to be sure - although I must confess to still enjoying trawling through secondhand bookshops given half a chance!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

It will certainly make the compilation of the ship charts a whole easier!

All the best,


Peter Douglas said...


ooh I'm jealous!


David Crook said...

Hi Peter,

I have been searching for these for what seems like an age and so am very pleased indeed!

It makes for a very tidy bookshelf for sure!

All the best,


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Favourites of mine too!

David Crook said...

Hi Geordie,

I am expecting much use from these and no mistake!

All the best,


Corporal_Trim said...

Congratulations on your most excellent man cave, David ! And the Conways as well. They do complement Jane's rather nicely, don't they ?

Steve C.

David Crook said...

Hi Steve,

They certainly do! I would like to get another couple of reprints of Janes just to fill a couple of gaps - mainly because I really enjoy some of the comments and the aerial drawings are helpful.

The Man Cave is the fulfillment of a long time dream and the funny thing is that it has given rise to some curiously ideas....;-)

All the best,


Corporal_Trim said...


I have the 1906/1907 and the 1898 reprints. 1898 is interesting, the infant Fighting Ships if you will. Very rudimentary ship data, but notable in that there are no ship photos, only hand drawings (mostly excellent sketches done by Fred Jane himself). The drawings lend a unique charm I think, although the side/top view plans we expect in later Jane's are lacking.

Best regards,
Steve C.

David Crook said...

Hi Steve,

The 1898 edition is one I should like to get - together with 1919 and two either side of WW2.

Line drawings eh? That would be interesting to see and no mistake!

All the best,