Saturday 3 March 2012

The Missing Link - H.M.S. Canopus

HMS Canopus - "Gonna need a moment alone boys....!"

After what seems like an age of trawling through Ebay; missing auctions that went of my price range and general harrying of people across the globe I have FINALLY managed to source a copy of HMS Canopus or, to describe correctly in BMC speak - the mysterious battleship B1. The casting is not perfect - there is a little bit of a mould alignment problem - but there is nothing a little TLC with a file could not put right. There are also no masts to speak of - this is a problem on all the models I own as some had them so badly damaged that it was easier just to cut them off. Again, should anybody want to add them then drilling out some holes and making use of wire or even some of the mast structures available from Brigade models would be viable option.

I cannot begin to describe how pleased I am to have finally acquired this model and the best news of all - details of which will be available in due course - I am in the advanced stages of negotiating to have these models placed back in production and available once again to grace the tabletops of the world. Again, this is really good news and the potential for 'imagi-nations' is huge.

It has been a long and very often frustrating road acquiring this little lot but I am pretty pleased to have gotten this far and am looking forward to seeing how these models will be used in the future and by whom!


Peter Douglas said...


Looks good - enjoy the fruits of the chase.

I'm looking forward to news.


David Crook said...

Hi Peter,

It may be sooner than you think?

All the best,


Corporal_Trim said...

Looks quite as good as any of the casting I've got, David. Always wind up re-doing the masts anyway. ;-)


David Crook said...

Hi Steve,

She is a little short in the funnel height as well as missing the masts but everything else is OK and she will do the job!

All the best,