Tuesday 17 July 2012

Return of the Red, I....

A Dark Lord of the Sith wishing he had packed the factor 50....

....(with apologies to George Lucas!)....

I arrived back home at around 10:30 last night and coping with 15 degrees and rain at Gatwick at 8:30 after 50 degrees plus and blue skies in Antalya earlier in the day was a fearful shock!

I am refreshed, recharged, reanimated, re-inspired and chock full of my usual impractical ideas for war games projects so let the insanity recommence!

I will be checking blogs and emails and will be penning a number of other posts once I have tackled the inevitable after holiday domestic round so expect belated comments etc, during the next day or so.

It is always good to go away but it is even better to get home!

PS. Yes, I did manage to get burnt but not in a Darth Maul kind of way.


Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


It is good to have you back! I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable time whilst you were away.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

We had a great time and I feel suitably rested and ready for the fray once again.

LOADS of ideas as well - many of which will be seeing the light of day on the blog over the next few days and I will email you in due course with the details of everything else....;-)

All the best,


hardrada said...

Good to see you back on home soil. I trust stocks of Efes beer in the vicinity held up despite your presence and known thirst?
See you at club soon, one hopes.


David Crook said...

Hiya Mr Fox,

No Efes sadly, only Tuborg Gold but this was a quite acceptable substitute....;-)

Very likely but will depend on the storm I shall be going into work to on the morrow!

All the best,