The base game

The rather useful expansion set
After a minor delay (and following on from my post of 2/9/12) I collected the copies of the above game whilst en route to the club last night. Aside from being a little musty (and with some 'sunning' in odd places) after having stored in a garage the two games are in remarkably good condition and in fact the base game has only partially had the counters punched - the expansion not at all. The game covers tactical naval combat on a ship to ship level during the ACW and with the ships in the expansion set, the Austro-Italian war in 1866 (the Lissa campaign) as well as the Pacific war. There is also a selection of British and French ironclads included as well so the potential for some cross channel activity is also covered.
The game is very detailed - almost skirmish-like in its complexity - and to be honest I doubt very much if I will play it as written, simply because I no longer have the inclination to undertake such exercises in head scratching. However, for me that is not the point of the exercise. The material contained therein in respect of ship and weapon details is an absolute goldmine of detail that will prove to be invaluable for any of my planned naval adventures during the period. The counters are a great source of material to use for testing purposes in the absence of models and for that reason (among many) this is a great acquisition for me.
The first thing I will need to do though is to have a little tidy up of the base game and punch out the remaining counters and then take stock of the potential - especially of the ship and weapon data - for turning this into something a little more in tune with my current requirements.
Looks and interesting game!
Ironclads is a terrific game. I've very very fond memories of this from the early and mid 1980s at the Humberside Wargames Club. Although it looks a bit fearsome when you go through the rules, I always remembering it playing pretty smoothly. I loved the variety of vessels and situations for gaming. A great find! I'm sure you'll really enjoy it.
Hi Ray,
It certainly is that - and with more potential than could shake a Monitor at!
All the best,
Hi Sidney,
I played it a number of times back in the 80's and I enjoyed it then but would probably not so much these days. No real reason other than the fact I prefer simpler games! In terms of information though it is a great reference and I fully intend using all the bits from it in one form or another.
All the best,
I owned both the game and the expansion in the early 80s (I bought them from Rossmac's store). The base game works well for ACW ships, given their DIY qualities. However, it falls down with the more sophisticated European and South American ships of the later periods.
However, it is a treasure trove of info. I wish I still had my copies (sigh)....
Hi Peter,
I seem to recall back in the 80s that anything ocean going with lots of guns was hard work to play with. As mentioned, this one is for ideas and information and for sure there is plenty of both!
All the best,
Excellent! Nice acquisitions mate
Hi Paul,
The value of the data contained therein, as well as the sheer inspiration factor is inestimable!
Lots of ideas for sure.
All the best,
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