Wednesday 17 June 2009

DBSA into the Great War Part 4

At last the day is here for the great play test! My good friend Neil Fox has prepared the ships (the Italians and the Austrians) so I will extend much appreciation to him for his efforts. At present the Balkan Fleets do not possess any dreadnoughts so his help was invaluable. The game will be very much a straightforward encounter type action and I will write it up in the same fashion as the Battle of Mythos. It is no secret that I have high hopes for this system - certainly if the core concept is sound I shall look to see about a further extension into WW2.

A WW2 version will not differ hugely from the existing set up but obviously the biggest complication will be air power and its use. I have this in the projects list but will want to get the core WW1 system road tested and ironed out beforehand.


Eric B said...

great stuff - I'm planning a naval campaign 1911 based on Agadir Crisis and Italian-Turkish conflict same year. It's an ispiration, just painting up the Italian Aust-Hung Turkish Ruski British and French fleets - it's an enjoyable chore and blogs blike this are are a welcome distraction and encouragement at the same time. Keep up the good work!

David Crook said...

Many thanks for the kind words and I will very interested as to how you set up your campaign! My plan is to complete the Balkan Fleets with the 'never was-ers'and tackle the Black Sea Russians. Now that the decorating of the kitchen is nearing completion it will be nice to get back to some serious painting ;-)