Monday 3 December 2012

Something a little out of the ordinary....

The initial set up from Jim Duncan's game (with thanks to Jim for the loan of his photo) - note the very clever 'half hex' bases for the infantry sections. Very, very nice indeed and certainly 10mm is a great scale to use with the Heroscape terrain (oh dear, I feel another idea coming on....).

Now here is a first for me (I think). Jim Duncan has conducted a simply stunning looking WW2 Portable Wargame using Pendraken 10mm figures and vehicles and Hersoscape terrain tiles. the action was fought using Bob Cordery's Big Battle Portable Wargame Modern rules and saw a British infantry based force attempting to halt a German armoured thrust set in France during 1944. You can read how events unfolded (as well as seeing some very nice looking 'kit') on Jim's blog by following the link at the beginning of this post.

The first I was referring to is that I am going to refight Jim's action using my Hexon terrain and the block armies. The rules I shall be using will be Bob Cordery's Big Battle Portable Wargame Modern set but with a few of my own tweaks. This is very much by way of an experiment and I am looking forward to fighting the action - British infantry and Panzers always makes for an entertaining game in my opinion - probably over the next few days. This is a certainly a first for me - most of my games have been 'loosely based on' - so refighting someone else's idea will be interesting one and so I hope that my version of Jim's action will be as exciting as the original!


Jim Duncan Wargamer said...

If your game turns out be a cracker then I want most of the credit and if it turns out to be a damp squib then it wasn't me, a big boy did it and ran away!!

Seriously though, I hope your game produces a twist of its own.

Good Luck.


David Crook said...

Hi Jim,

I still can't get over how good your 10mm set up looks! I shall certainly hope to match the quality of the game if not of the toys used!

I hope to get this gamed tomorrow with the write up appearing shortly after.

All the best and thans for the idea!


The Ferrymen said...

Don't forget the purple prose.


David Crook said...

Hi John,

I won't forget but I am saving myself for the end of year grand finale Russo Turkish game and don't want to peak too soon....;-)

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Paul,

I was really impressed with the work Jim had put into this - it looks really good - and certainly it has got me thinking about 10mm in a big way! I am looking forward to fighting the block version and hope that the game is as exciting.

All the best,