Thursday 3 September 2009

Space Hulk 1st Edition - The Original and Best

I know, I know, I was wittering on about the merits of the 2nd edition over the third (mainly because of the figures being a whole lot better) but here I am posting about the 1st. The fact is I have managed to negotiate a deal with Mr Fox for all of my old 1st edition kit for my recently acquired 2nd edition, plus a box of metal terminators, an extra assault cannon armed variant figure (you can never have enough assault cannons) and a copy of Send a Gunboat by Anthony Preston. I have to say that everything was in as good a condition as the day I sold it to him back in 1991............

I will post a picture of the marines (23 of them) a little later but it was like being reunited with a long lost relative.

Mr Fox is now the proud owner of the Death Star featured in the earlier post - he was seen to wincing visibly at the prospect of calculating the damage points and firepower of the said imperial construction..................gazillion hit points anyone?!


Paul O'G said...

The 2nd Ed plastic termie might have been better, but the rules stank horribly. 1st Ed with lead minis all the way for me!

David Crook said...

I must confess that always felt that GW missed a great opportunity with the 2nd edition. The figures were superb, the artwork updated but they fell way short with the rules. They could have consolidated all the existing material into a single volume which would have been really useful. I note you mentioned using metal minis with the first edition - does this mean you have the plastic terminators kicking around, looking for a new home in the Rayleigh factorium?

Paul O'G said...


David Crook said...

I hope so - I reckon I need another 20 of the mark 1 plastics so whatever you have that is surplus PLEASE let me know!