Tuesday 5 January 2021

Flags for the Memory

C.S.S. Cheops (left) and C.S.S. Sphinx

U.S.S. New Glory (left) and U.S.S. Coeur D’Alene

 One of the tasks I wanted to tackle whilst I was enjoying the Christmas and New Year break was to add the flags to my ACW ships. Sadly I was unable to do this but I have now gotten around to it. Thus far I have ‘flagged’ 7 out of the 13 models and have two further ships currently under the brush. All being well I will have these two finished by the end of the week. From my stock of MDF pieces and other raw material I should be able to build another three or four models for the ACW but I desperately need order some additional pieces from Warbases.

For the ships of the Union the flag was very straightforward, less so for the Confederacy. I opted to use the early version of the Confederate naval ensign as well as the battle flag. The ensign with a white field was not popular as it looked too much like a white flag. From what I have read it seems like the correct issue of flag was usually the least of the problems the Confederates had to contend with!

The flags I am using are rather large and are non scale specific. This does not bother me as naval ensigns could be much larger than their land counterparts. 

I am pleased with the way these have come out - Tony at Brigade Models produced the flags for me - and they also take Satin varnish which I think helps to bring out the colours. They certainly add to the models. I shall get the remaining six models ‘flagged’ tomorrow - these are the 3 smaller monitors and 3 casemate ironclads.

Everything scheduled for this weeks battle will be sporting an ensign (at last!).


Steve J. said...

They look great David and really make the lovely models 'pop'. Funny how a little thing like flags can really lift a ship, unit of infantry etc.

David Crook said...

Hello there Steve J,

I was really pleased at they came out and you are right about flags make things ‘pop’.

The last lot of the current batch will be finished tomorrow and I have a couple of other models to add to collection so it is all coming together.

I am looking forward to running the game later - six models or thereabouts.

All the best,


Aly Morrison said...

They look great David...
I look forward to seeing them in action.

All the best. Aly

David Crook said...

Hello there Aly,

Not too long to go and they will be in action!

All the best,


Peter said...

Good looking ships there is a real crispness about the model itself and your painting.

Maudlin Jack Tar said...

They look complete with the flags attached David!

David Crook said...

Hi Peter,

Thank you old chap - much appreciated. The models are intentionally simple and with clean lines. The paint job complements the style of model - I like to think they are a nautical version of the old toy soldiers from Britain’s etc - which is just as well as I am at best a mediocre painter!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello there Maudlin Jack Tar,

They certainly do! I will post pictures of the whole lot once I have done the last half dozen that are ready.

All the best,


Bob The Old Painter said...

The flags make all the difference, excellent little ships. I particularly admire the CSA vessels, although the gun turret seems to have a very restricted arc of fire!

David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

Thanks old chap! I was pleasantly surprised at what a difference the flags made to the look of the models. It will certainly help when they get into action!

Strictly speaking the turret is incorrect as it was in fact an oval/circular gun house containing a pair of pivot mounted guns that could be moved around on rails to fire on either beam. I opted for the turret as it was easier to build and the effect in action would be more or less identical!

All the best,