Friday 1 January 2021

That was the year that was.... absolute shocker and no mistake!

It is now thankfully done and dusted and so let us all hope that 2021 turns out to be a vast improvement!

I am not going to review what I have done over the old year but instead want to focus on what I will be doing in the new one. It is not so much a plan - more like a wish list.

Ships and Stuff

Naval stuff will feature significantly as I shall complete the ACW, Russo Turkish and a further ironclad project before then moving on to Madasahatta. As a late 19th/early 20th century largely Colonial island setting I plan to build a selection of models up to pre dreadnought battleship size - possibly larger. The models for this will be built when needed so the initial batch will be gunboats. I also need to organise the rules I have been playing around with into a coherent shape - at the time of writing they exist partially in my head but mostly as a collection of hastily scribbled notes.

To support the ironclad projects I am seriously looking to make use of the 6mm MDF figures so I shall be experimenting with painting/colouring techniques. I have painted figures in this scale before but not for some time but having said that they look fairly straightforward. Initially this will be for the ACW but the Russo Turkish War may feature at some point.

The English Civil War and Jacobite Risings

As soon as I have the final parts from WoFun I shall be looking to get some games in using either (more likely both) Bob Cordery’s Portable Pike and Shot Wargame or the Command and Colours variant devised by MSFoy. Terrain will not be so much of an issue in this smaller scale as I have a lot of bits and pieces that can be pressed into service. I have been quietly reading my way through my ECW library and also have my eye on a newly launched block based board game covering the first civil war.

The Jacobite Rebellions will feature using Jacobite Rising - the Command and Colours Tricorne standalone game. Again, I have been quietly going through the appropriate titles in my library in readiness.

WW2 Far East

This will be Memoir ‘44 based and I am spoilt for choice in that I can game either the US or the UK theatres. I have a plan around ‘3D’ gaming either using models but it is not essential as it will be good to go as is. Even the naval/aerial side can be catered for and in fact the biggest job I have is punching out some 1,300 counters for Flat Top.

Everything else

This year I want to make a conscious effort to tackle some 28mm skirmish level games. When I say skirmish I mean around a dozen models a side as a maximum. I am intrigued by Frostgrave and have also acquired the Ghost Archipelago version - the supporting figures are rather nice and I quite fancy painting a few. Also of interest is a Fistful of Lead and the Sci fi version - Galactic Heroes. These all need very few figures and so for me are achievable. Even I could manage to paint up a dozen or so figures for a game!

Taking all the above into consideration the first thing that struck me is how modest the list is. At the time of writing I am around a third of the way through the ironclad ship build and once Warbases are back in action I can really push on with these projects. Everything else is largely a matter of occasional modelling/painting or actual gaming, something I really want to get back to.

The End of It

Anyway, enough of my rambling! I want to wish us all a happy new year in the hope that it will be a considerable improvement on the last one - it may be a while before we turn the corner but at least we now know that there is one!


Maudlin Jack Tar said...

That looks like a fine Wish List David - Frostgrave does look interesting and a bit more skirmishing is on my mind again too, though I think I'll have another go with my version of Eric Knowles Thane Tostig rules, if I ever get a bit of time/space! Best wishes for 2021!

Steve J. said...

Happy New Year to you too David! Your list may seem modest, but it looks good to me and certainly has a good mix and gives you something to aim for. An increase in gaming is something that is a common thread across quite a few Blogs and I certainly put myself in this category.

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


That is quite some list of projects ... and I look forward to seeing how you approach each of them during 2021.

Keep safe and keep well,


David Crook said...

Hello there Maudlin Jack Tar,

My thought around the whole skirmish thing is that I can indulge in a variety of ‘mini projects’ as the mood suits. It is possible to buy individual sprues of 28mm figures which usually have anything from 3 to 5 figures so a few of these would be sufficient to get a small set up organised. This would be manageable - even for me!

I am looking at forces no larger than 12 figures per side so Frostgrave fits in well.

All the best and a happy new year - I will look forward to seeing your Thane Tostig adventures!


David Crook said...

Hi Steve J,

The biggest single project will be the ships and as I really enjoying building them it makes for an easy choice! Getting some games in will be a priority for this year and so what I am scoping will enable me to do just that.

All the best and a happy new year!


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

The ships are the thing and the great thing is that they will enable me to tackle a variety of actions that will be easy to set up and organise. Pretty much everything else is at least at the gaming stage so any progress into using models can be in incremental steps - but are not essential for the game.

All the very best and take care!


Aly Morrison said...

It certainly has been a year to forget...
Although it has given us all a chance to paint more toys...
I look forward to seeing more of your ships....

All the best. Aly

David Crook said...

Hi there Aly,

The ships are the priority and I am really looking forward to getting on with them. This weekend I will finalise the Warbases order and get back to the ships currently under construction.

All the best and happy new year!


Paul O'G said...

HNY! Some great stuff there mate :-)
Skirmish wise, I really enjoyed Frostgrave but haven't gotten the 2nd edition (yet) - lots of fun and recommended

'Lee. said...

Best wishes for 2021 David, so glad to see the back of 2020! Always a good thing to have plans and projects on the go :)


David Crook said...

Hello there Aussie Paul,

Happy new year to you and yours! Frostgrave looks like a lot of fun as does the Ghost Archipelago. I am really liking the idea of small forces of up to a dozen figures a side which will enable to me to enjoy some painting without worrying about churning out armies!

In my next post I will share some of my thoughts about where this can go....

All the best old chap,


David Crook said...

Hello there ‘Lee,

Happy new year to you old chap and I heartily agree about seeing the back of 2020! I have really clamped down on my project list in the hope that by doing so I will get some things actually to the table!

All the best for the new year!


Jim Walkley said...

Plenty there to distract me from what I should perhaps be doing! I am pleased that the Wofun figures look so good and look forward to developments in these and your other plans. Best wishes for the New Year. Jim